-Brown eyes-
-People with brown eyes are very loveable. They are really hott and awsome to be around. Their
relationship tends to be very honest cause if they aren't truly in love, the relationship won't work. They are very fun to
be around. They fall easily for their best friends. They don't
care what people think or say,They are very satisfying and love to please. They can EXCEED your pleasure
standards. They are very laid back and chill and love to just be around.
Yes admire me... my great great uncle even wrote a song about brown-eyed girls... hehe morrison.... uh... anyways
I did a law final yesturday... and I knew what I was talking about... I hope I did well...
I saw these shoes... well... I'll post a picture in a second when I'm not lazy... but they are beautiful... and i don't even like shopping or anything girly... but I love weird shoes!
this is one of them:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y139/dimehoe/secret03.jpganyways... um... there really is no point in me talking right now
oh yea!
I turn the corner and he's right there staring at me, slowing down walking towards me... fucking hell my heart started beating a million miles a minute like it was about to crash...
I hate how he can do that
I was scared shitless
I wanted to run
so i hid out...
as soon as I left that room, I opened the door and he was there, staring at me again! the guy he was with said "just go up and say 'hi'"... so I booted it...
fucking hell! I know I don't hate anyone... but he scares the shit outta me!
It wouldn't be so bad if he left me alone last year... you know, without the stalker part in there....
but the fact that he just left me alone and still has his way around things to find out about me...
it scares the shit outta me
it's like he's always gonna be there
I already can't date for the next 10 years because of him... who knows when I'll be able to trust a guy at all
everytime I find out one likes me I push them away...
I know it's terrible....
but honestly.... how am I supposed to trust somebody else?
it's hard to explain cus I don't know anybody who went through the same
a month with a relationship you were happy in doesn't equal nearly 2 years being involved...
so you don't get it...
I dunno... maybe it's cus I already had major trust issues and always figured something like that would happen
makes you think though
I may just be being extremely picky... but when a guy that's actually worthwhile comes along and they do the slightest thing to remind me of him, I can't do it... I just can't...
doesn't matter how amazing they are...
I wanna go kick a baby
or maybe sparky... i mean what?