Happy Cinco de Mayo

May 05, 2008 08:45

In honor of this holiday for Mexico I will share one of my favorite Mexican-inspired treats.

Chocolate Quesadilla
(serves 1)

1 whole wheat, 98% fat free tortilla (any kind of flour tortilla will work)
2 tablespoons semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 teaspoon sugar
spinkle of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon powdered sugar

Place your tortilla in a non-stick skillet, but don't turn on the heat yet. On one half of the tortilla place the 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips, the teaspoon of sugar, and the sprinkle of cinnamon. Fold over the other half of the tortilla and turn the heat on the medium-low. Heat the quesadilla for 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown on each side. Then put your quesadilla on a plate and top it with a 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sugar.

Enjoy! These are soo good. And not too bad for you either! 
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