1) What song are you currently addicted to?
Sideways - Citizen Cope.
This song says more about the current state of my head than I could ever say myself.
Click to view
2) What was the last movie you saw?
Pixar's Short Films - the 'behind the scenes' was the best part.
Computers back in the eighties looked like monsters.
3) Last time you were drunk?
Last Saturday. Pomegranite flavored tequila might be my downfall. Followed my a couple of Mike's and I was comfortably numb.
4) Cats or dogs?
Cats - dogs are too high maintenance. Cats don't give a shit about you until they want to be fed, pet, or steal your side of the bed. In that order.
5) What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Jaw Porn. And I am a junkie.
'Nuff said.
6) What's one thing you miss about being a kid?
Not worrying about shit. Not being so freaking jaded. Those days were fantastic.
7) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Right. We tried to switch a few weeks ago.
It did not work. I do not recommend it.
8) What was the last thing you bought?
9) Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
I'm the cook - he's the singer. We try to remember to 'date' each other.
10) If you could speak any language (including that of animals, plants, rainbows, whatever floats your boat), what would it be?
"I speak fluent rainbow ... or maybe I eat them. honeybeemeadows didn't we have a convo about that last night?"
Pixie - yes - you ate the rainbow, got heartburn and threw up. You are also apparently crazy. Did you know this?
I want to speak cat - so I can tell my cat that I really effing hate it when she steals my side of the bed.
11) What do you do when you're in a bad mood?
Ferment. Scream. Ferment some more. Allow said fermentation to eat me from the inside out.
Outta Me / Onto You - Ani. She basically screams through the whole thing. It's like the cheaper version of therapy.
12) What was the last meal you ate?
Salad. Omnomnomnom.
13) Do you want to learn another language?
Cat, you ADD asshole. You just asked that question.
14) Biggest Regret?
Not standing up for myself all those years, letting people just run me the fuck over and taking it with a stiff lip. This would include standing up against other people AND myself.
I am my own worst critic.
15) Favorite subject in university/school/any educational institution you've been in?
English, if you want to get all technical. Art, if you want to loosen the confines a bit. Sculpture was my favorite.
16) What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I'm leaving you and your memory far, far behind. Good fucking riddance.
17) What are you looking forward to?
Leaving them all far, far behind.
18) What is playing out of your speakers, right now?
Bright Eyes. Fucking always, duh.
19) If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
Omaha, so that I could properly stalk Conor Oberst.