Oct 15, 2008 22:38
TEN random things about me.
10. I am currently trying to find another job.
9. I am wearing a shirt at the moment that says Trustworthy.
8. I just colored my hair again.
7. I am starting to run again, but need serious motivation to keep it up.
6. I have worked at Wal-Mart twice in my life and hated every moment of it.
5. I really think I am ready for another cat.
4. I got a booty text last night that made me laugh out loud.
3. I love sitting in the quiet with a good book and good wine.
2. I love watching movies.
1. I can't wait to see my mom next week.
NINE ways to win my heart.
9. Listen to me and really hear what I am saying.
8. Show me you care, don't just tell me.
7. Have the ability to have great conversations with me about anything.
6. Be honest with me.
5. Trust me.
4. Spend quality time with me, more important than quantity.
3. Surprises are wonderful
2. Be a part of my life, and let me into yours.
1. Be yourself and accept me for who I am.
EIGHT things I want to do before I die.
8. Travel through Europe and see all 50 states.
7. Get married
6. Have children
5. Get another cat.
4. Go to disney world.
3. Run a marathon
2. Have a career I am happy with.
1. Have a real conversation with my dad.
SEVEN ways to annoy me.
7. Being late.
6. Lying to me.
5. Ignoring me.
4. Not believing in yourself
3. Being self righteous
2. Being condescending
1. Talking badly about my family.
SiX things I believe in.
6. Myself
5. Education
4. Loyalty
3. Love
2. Family
1. God
FIVE things I'm afraid of.
5. Being hurt or hurting someone else
4. Not being good enough
3. A painful death
2. Losing a loved one
1. Violence
FOUR things I'm thankful for
4. Having a degree
3. Being healthy
2. My friends
1. My Family
THREE things I do everyday
3. Smile :-)
2. Grow
1. Pray
TWO things I want right now
2. A new job
1. To hang out with old friends I haven't seen in a while
ONE person I want to see right now
1. My grandpa