A Plea to Authors from a Fan

Jan 14, 2012 18:44

Dear Authors,

I have this bad habit of beginning excellent stories while they are in-progress. Even worse, I have a very bad habit of reading in-progress stories that stop updating just as I finish where they have left off. And even worse, I have a really bad habit of having nothing but stalled stories waiting in the bookmarks folder - that tend to remain stalled indefinitely.

Now, I get that life happens. I really do, because it happened to me. And I also get that things aren't written *for* me - they are written, and should be written, for the creative whim of the author. I do understand that.


There are consequences to writing and posting good stories. Mainly, that they will have folks who read and enjoy them. Most of them have a very high following. If I were an author and I knew that many people were enjoying my work, I'd begin to feel kind of bad if I dropped off the proverbial planet for months/years and left them in the equally proverbial dark.

Would it be too much to ask to update your stalled stories with a brief note - "Hey all, life is crazy...hence the delay..." or, "Hey, got married this month...doing far better things now than writing this story hahaha..."

...you know, something to let everyone know the state of things? Is that an unreasonable request?

Sincerely, and with more than a touch of impatience,

Ms. Bean
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