See How Well You Know Me~
Take my Quiz on! *Chapter One:
"Relationships are too intense. If you believe in love, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed. You just can't trust anyone. People are so corrupted these days."~Skipper
This statement really bothered me. Yes, relationships are intense and can be hard, but that doesn't mean they are all destined to failure. A marriage, afterall, is a date that worked out. I know most relationships can let you down and be disappointed, but not all. Some people can be trusted, you just need to find the right people. Yes there are corrupted people in this world, but that doesnt mean everyone is. Love is an emotion of hope and joy. There is a love for you that is not corrupted by a sicko freak.
And yet he goes on to say exactly how I feel about majority of the world...
"The world is more fucked up now than it was 25 years ago. I feel pissed off to be born in this generation when all these things are happening..."
It is sad to think of how horrible this world has become.
"Every time a man tells me he's a romantic, I want to scream. All it means is that a man has a romanticized view of you, and as soon as you become real and stop playing into his fantasy, he gets turned off. That's what makes romantics dangerous. Stay away."~Carrie
Okay, I have to defend my fellow romantics, me being one of course. Now what Carrie doesn't realize is that a TRUE romantic does not hold everyone they date to these standards that are set so high, they just know what they want and when they find the person that matches that ideal romance perfectally that is the one for them. I have never not wanted a guy because he didnt fit into my ideal most of my friends know by some of my male selections in the I had some doosies huh girls? haha. Anyways, we only have these ideals for ourselves, not the ones we date. The one for us will bring these ideals to us on their own by being that way naturally. Knowing what you want is NOT a crime.
"The condom killed romance, but it has made it a lot easier to get laid. There's something about using a condom that, for women, makes it like sex doesn't count. There's no skin-to-skin contact. So they go to bed with you more easily."~Anonomous
I could not have said this better myself. That first sentence is just exactly how I feel. Condoms prevent consequences of having sex, therefore making it easier for people to do it. Now it seems like there can be less emotion and feelings involved in sex because of protection. People dont have to be so careful and picky about who they have sex with anymore because they are protected. I really hate this. Condoms and birth control destroyed the beauty of love making. Now, there are a lot of people that do have sex while in love, but a lot of them arent and it pains me to hear about it and see it on shows and in movies. I used to believe making love was such a beautiful thing, and then....I grew up.
Now onto my current debate with myself.
People always emphasize how it's always best to be first at everything. Tonight I question that. In relationships, usually people take pride in saying "Well, I had them first, before they ever did." I used to think that way. But then I thought about it...maybe it isnt as great as you thought. You could be the cause of the persons scaring. A lot rides on being before someone else. You have to make sure not to fuck up. Think about all of those men who leave their wives for a younger woman. Obviously they wanted someone totally different from their last relationship. Does that never affect that persons pride? I mean they move on to someone whom they find better than you whom doesnt share your flaws and mishaps and faulty idiosyncrasies. I also wonder if "good girls" are really that hard to find. The same girls keep popping up in exflames. I just dont understand it? I never realized that nice girls were so scarce in this world. Maybe the world is really that corrupt. It only bothers me because I suppose it makes me lose hope for our generation. It makes me think quality girls are becoming so extinct that they seem to circulate amongst the same "good guys". Its just an unsettling feeling. So in this situation I am curious as to which makes the bigger impression on these guys, the ones they were with before or the ones they are with now? So, I can't help but wonder....are sloppy seconds more powerful and leave a more lasting impact and impression?
You scored as Charlotte. Like Charlotte York, You Are Sweet, Polite And An Old Romantic.
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