~*~If I Never Knew You...~*~

Aug 01, 2005 01:55

Ive had a pretty good past couple of days. I went to Wal Mart with RJ Saturday morning at like 3 AM to get some goodbye cards for people. *Thank you so so much RJ for going with me, that was awesome and I love you!!!!* Saturday afternoon Lindsay got some of my friends together for a going away thing. I had a lot of fun! Derek got me a Bible *I really needed one* and Brittney got me the BSB cd *sadly I already had it lol* and a pursish/messenger bag like thing *its soooooo cute* with pics of me with my friends! I absolutely adore it! Sadly a lot of my friends were working or out of town. And Breanna was so so sick so Britt and I went to visit her since she couldnt come to the party. It was sooooo sad saying goodbye to her. I love her so much and shes been such a huge part of my life and always been one of my best friends since I met her. We shared the best summer of our lives together and I will never forget it. She moved to Chatt this morning. I really hope she will come visit in a few months...shes gonna try! So anyways, back to the party thing we played the game Cranium which is really really fun! Its like my favorite board game besides Disney Trivia lol. I get so into it....Im such a loser. Dave had to leave early to go to Chris' party which was sad, but understandable. Im glad he came at all...that meant a lot to me! :) Then we headed off to go bowling. That was soooooooo fun! I love bowling!!! I really wish I would have done it a lot more than I have bc its freakin fun as hell. Then we went back and Lindsays mom ordered us pizza *yummy!* and went to Dereks and went swimming. It was really cold, but really fun. I actually went off the diving board. Those scare me so I was surprised I did! haha! Then me derek lindsay and my brother went back to lindsays at like midnight and started to watch National Treasure, but we all kinda started drifting off and falling asleep lol. But yea so that was such a good day! Thanks to everyone who came! It meant a lot to me and I had a great time! But that night when I came home was actually really sad. I like seriously cried myself to sleep. There was so much I wanted to do this summer but didnt. And I thought about how I will not see like any of my friends for quite some time. And it made me soooooo soooooo sad. I like couldnt stop crying. I will miss them all so much.
So today I look absolutely disgusting. I woke up and got Lindsay and we came back here and hung out and kinda organized my packing situation then headed over to her house and watched Pocahontas. It was soo good. I really like that movie. John Smith is so hot. And well my future husband is his voice which is even better. When Mel Gibson sang I like melted inside. Wow he is so amazingly perfect. I just have to marry him. He is the love of my life. I dont care if hes like 100 years older.....Im in love and hes beautiful inside, out and all the spaces in between. lol! So u all wish me luck with Mel.....haha! I know what u are all thinking *yes ashley, u cling to that dream*....and yes Ill do that. hahah! So yea anyways tonight was my last night with George. I cried when I cleaned all my stuff out of him with Lindsay. It was so sad. I dont want him to leave me....I dont know what Ill do without him. I know I have another George waiting in Cali...he wont be the same. He wont be the original Georgie. lol How sad is this...Im talking like my car is a family member. But really he was always there for me when I needed him or just wanted to get away. I will always love him!! Hes my baby! Oh my goodness. That reminds me how I have to leave Paris *guinea pig* behind as well. God that is going to be so sad. I will like die without him sleeping near me at night. My daddy better take good care of him while Im gone or I will be seriously really upset lol. Hes my little fatty hamter! hehehehe! :) ahhhh precious paris!! I love when he oinks! sooooooo cute!
OMG WINNIE THE POOH IS ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! Im watching the many adventures of Pooh Bear and he is so cute I just want to squeeze him!

Your wise quote is: "Love is life.
And if you miss love, you miss life" by
Leo Buscaglia.
Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your
life. If you have it or not is another matter,
but it is in your eyes the most important
feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and
want you and your love to have that kind of
perfect love that you hear about in fairytales.
However that can be hard to find, but it
doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

A - Age you got your first kiss: Ummm like 14?
B - Band listening to right now: Mariah Carey, but shes not a band!
C - Crush: Big!
D - Dad's name: Steve!
E - Easiest person to talk to: Lindsay & Brittney!
F - Favorite band at the moment: Green Day!
G - Gummy worms or bears: Awwww BEARS!
H - Hometown: I think thats a trick question!
I - Instruments: well I dont play any, but my favorite is the Saxaphone!
J - Joke: Why did the girl get pregnant by a Mexican? Her teacher told her to go "do" an "essay"! hahahaha!
K - Kids: Ummm I guess Ive decided I want 2!
L - Longest car ride ever: To be humorous the one Lindz and I took to Daves show and got lost, but in reality probably from Cali to Texas or Texas to Arkansas or something.
M - Mom's name: Cindy
N - Nickname[s]: Ash, LiL Loyd, Ashlers, Catwoman, The Loyd...I have a few!
O - One wish: To Have My Fairy Tale Dream Come True!
P - Phobia[s]: Needles, Snakes, Rejection, Change.....a lotta things!
Q - Quote: "To Be A Real Woman Is To Bring Out The Best In A Man."~Gidget
R - Reason to smile: Friends, California, Guys, Disney, Fat Animals!
S - Song you sang last: "Cool" Gwen Stefani!
T - Time you woke up [today]: Well I havent gone to sleep today so I havent exactly been able to wake up yet lol!
U - Unknown fact about me: Umm actually there isnt much people dont know about me, but one is that I dont like talking on the phone because I know I am a bad conversationalist and if there is a silence I am afraid that person wont like me anymore.
V - Vegetable you hate: Like almost all of them! lol!
W - Worst habit(s): Biting my nails, Procrastination, Tardiness, Paranoia, Being Pessimistic, Insecurity, Worry Wart
X - X-rays you've had: ummm teeth?
Y - Yummy food: Chocolate, Chicken, Sunflower Seeds, Peach Os and Mashed Potatoes!
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer!
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