Mar 06, 2017 10:47

So, I'm sitting here on February 12th, arranging the story's postings and hoping to HELL they all come out okay, lol... thinking about how nice it is to write again, and be back with you all.

Edit: This WAS scheduled for tomorrow, but my everpresent, dedicated and beautiful peach-goddess verangel deserves to have it NAU. So, so happy you've enjoyed this ride with me, baby!!

Title: So You Think You Can Tell (Pt. 12-End)
Pairing: C/Z (paasstish... furtuuure? :O)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own!
Synopsis: All it takes is a badly-placed doughnut, really.

There’d been the tiniest spark of, here’s my chance! that had gone off in Zeke, hearing that Jeremy had been moved to the ‘bestie’ status he and Casey struck-up together. Casey, single, just like Zeke, with so much already between them that could make everything come back together again. But that little fire died down to nothing as they’d continued spending the day with each other, from the shopping-spree to after yet another fantastic meal, a la Mom-Connor. It was still on Zeke’s mind when he woke up at the usual six a.m., showered and got ready for school.

Now in the car on the way to Casey’s, he felt the comfort from their new-but-old routine ease his body and mind. He figured there’d always be that part of him that would want Casey back; the boy had been honestly trying to get rid of those bad habits that had gotten in the way before, which would make things easier. But then, Zeke didn’t know if it’d be more valuable than what they had already, as friends. That, too, had become smooth, easy and just plain nice. Just getting back into their old schedule, where Zeke dropped by Casey’s place to save him from the stupid bus, was nice. They’d stop by Dunks for coffee and doughnuts, head to the school and spend the last few minutes before trudging-off for class in the car, Zeke stuffing as much smoke into his lungs as he could while Casey chattered away. He regretted giving him shit for his talkative nature; being the only occupant of a large, old house made him stir-crazy at times and open to having a little noise around him.

Pulling up to the Connors, Zeke grinned at the sight of Casey already on the steps, waiting. The boy beamed and jogged over to the curb, opened the door and practically cheered, “Happy days are here again!” as he belted himself in.

“The bus is that bad, huh?” Zeke asked as they left the curb and headed toward town.

“What’s GOOD about ‘em? Ugh…” Casey kicked a foot over his knee and sank back in his seat. “Thanks for this.”

“Eh, it’s been boring, by myself,” Zeke said.

They were soon at the Dunks, thankfully beating the rush in getting to the drive-thru without waiting. The orders of coffees and a half-dozen doughtnuts went in and came out in record time, and as promised, Casey had paid.

“With that friggin’ sale, I had about fourteen-bucks left,” he’d said as Zeke handed him the change, pastry box and his coffee, shoving his in the cup-holder for now. He’d dive in once in the school’s lot, having the extra time.

“Good. ‘Surprised it didn’t get shoved back into the bank,” he teased.

“Hah, nope. I’m gonna… chill-out a bit with it. I’m not gonna need to shove every penny I find into the bank for cam-funds for a while. The surplus you and Jer provided means I can keep having fun,” Casey said.

“Good,” Zeke said again, smiling.

“So, which goes down first?” Casey asked while opening the pastry box.

“The Bavarian, ‘course,” Zeke said. It was handed over, along with a couple napkins. They never actually did anything for Zeke when he’d get his favorite kind. The powdered sugar coating turned everything white with just one bite, always making Casey chuckle-as he did now, when Zeke not only sent a large cloud of the stuff on his thighs and the wheel, but a blob of the cream inside felt in a plop on his sleeve. “Gawr-duh…” Zeke said past the mouthful.

“Coulda saved best for last, in the lot,” Casey said.

It wasn’t long before they were there; the doughnut was finished as Zeke pulled into a spot, parked and turned the engine off. “Christ,” he said of the mess he’d made of himself. He swiped his left hand over the impossible powder, the other grabbing for the coffee.

“So, um-I did this little project Saturday night,” Casey said. Shoving the last of his favorite, a French crueler, past his lips, he wiped his hands on a napkin and opened his bag.

“Which class?” Zeke asked. He hummed at his first sip; they’d gotten this morning’s brew perfect.

“It’s-not for school.”

Zeke was busy swiping with his right hand now, regretted his choosing black jeans. “I gotta pick up one of those aprons that hairdressers put over their customers, damn…”

The clearing of Casey’s throat made Zeke look up. He blinked profusely, finding a newspaper-wrapped item being held up and moved from side-to-side. “What’s that?” he asked.

“Yours.” Casey’s smile was warm and sweet as he placed it in Zeke’s lap. “It’s a ‘thank you’ gift, for… being so awesome to me.”

Zeke stared at it a moment before smirking a bit and looking to the boy. “Ah… I get it…”


He chuckled as he tore the paper at the top of the lumpy, square gift. “You found a way to make ANY part of that eighty-bucks go into my pocket, huh?” he said.

Casey smirked. “Nope. I had everything to make it.”

‘Make it’? Zeke cast a quick glance back to Casey, narrowed his eyes and uncovered the thing entirely. It looked like a book, a ribbon tied around it to hold it closed. The plaid fabric covering was familiar. “What is it?” Zeke asked, but decided to find out for himself in undoing the ribbon’s knot and move the top flap aside. What he revealed made his jaw go limp, lips parting as he turned it right-side-up.

“I… made the framework myself with a few old frames from my mom’s flea-collections. And, hah, you’d always said that that crazy shirt was your fave,” Casey said, running a finger over the edge.

Something strange but beautiful started swelling in Zeke’s body as he lifted the standing, homemade frame up into the new day’s light. The left side had the picture he’d sworn had been stuffed into the pictures Casey had let him take, but there it was. The ‘angel-devil’ moment he’d taken one look at and wanted to keep, forever. It was braced there with whatever material was behind it, a glass square tucked under the plaid fabric tight to preserve the photo itself. On the other side was another square of fabric-secured glass, covering an off-white paper holding a quote:

We’re just
Two lost souls
Swimming in a fishbowl

“It’s…” Zeke went to speak, but something hard and unyielding was suddenly lodged in his throat.

“I remember you being so bummed when I tore up the back of that shirt on my… ‘trip’ down that rocky hill in the park, there,” Casey said with a smile. “I’d kept it instead of throwing away, always thinking I’d sew it back up and surprise you by wearing it, or whatever. So-it went into this, instead.”

The dark blue, yellow and white colors were so garish, in such a wonderful way. In such a Casey way. In closing it to look at the back, he grinned at the sight of a line of buttons running straight down the edge.

“Do you like it?”

Zeke snapped his eyes up to Casey, almost stern as he said, “I fuckin’ love it.” He looked back to the inside, running his fingers over the cold glass covering the photo. “You… put a lot of time into this.”

“It was well-spent. I’ve thought about making albums and frames, homemade, for my collections. Maybe even for other people. So. You’re the first one who gets a ‘Casey creation’,” Casey said, beaming the way that had always made Zeke yank him over to kiss that beautiful, glowing smile… when they’d still kissed each other, anyway.

Zeke bit his lower lip as he kept gazing at Casey’s work, all put into giving Zeke a piece of their personal history. The presentation was flawless, carrying more than whatever materials went into it. This was Casey’s heart, given away to Zeke and knowing it meant something to him. With ‘their song’ added to it, it showed Zeke how that would always be theirs, whether they danced close and tight together to it or not. ‘Swallow this down, now, deal with it later,’ he thought in a panicked rush as he indeed doused the fires growing inside him by turning to Casey with a big smile and saying, “Better hold onto it, in case you’re famous someday.” The casual and cool reply made Casey chuckle.

“Right? Could be very, very valuable twenty years from now,” he said.

‘It’s already priceless,’ Zeke allowed one last, wistful thought before closing the frame, tying the ribbon back around it and put it into the inner pocket of his bag to keep it safe. “It’s gonna go right up on the mantel, at home,” he said.

“Ooh…” Casey said. “Quite the honor, there.”

“Duh,” Zeke said, making his next gulp of coffee long and greedy; he needed to occupy his mouth before it made the mistake of saying, “I love you so fucking much, Case,” and moving on to kiss the life out of him.

‘Swallow, now, deal, later,’ the mantra rang in his mind as, thankfully, they heard the five-minute warning bell ring out from the school.

“Whoa, we’d better get in gear…” Casey said, stepping out of the car, making sure to grab another doughnut to-go. Zeke left his last one for after-school, feeling full enough. Casey walked alongside him up the walk, the stairs and straight into what Zeke, completely unprepared, saw as a wide-awake nightmare.

Valentine’s Day Carnation Sale! the banner above the table set along the space between lockers in the middle of the hall read. He would have fallen into something resembling epileptic-shock, if not for Casey’s groan and saying, “Christ, it’s two days away. Desperate for funds much?”

Two days. He let out a tremulous breath and went to his locker to shove everything inside and grab his next class’ textbook. “Nice of them to shove this shit in every single’s face,” Zeke said.

“Yeah… and…” Casey made another groan, followed by a strange laugh. “Okay, I’m gonna kick my own ass for this…”

“For what?” Zeke asked, shutting his locker and turning to the boy. Following Casey to his, Casey shook his head.

“First, I fuck myself on my birthday breaking up with you, right before it; now I make myself single for Valentine’s-fucking-day,” he said.

“Well, it’s… not like someone… plans their break-ups. They just happen,” Zeke said, but Casey only shook his head and grumbled-still smiling, but looking tired.

“I guess I LOVE the art of bad-timing. Whatever.” Casey snagged what he needed, shut his locker and turned back to Zeke. “Anyway, fuck that noise… I get a ride home too, right?”

“Yeah,” Zeke said, shrugging.

“Well, wasn’t sure,” Casey said with a goofy grin. Before parting ways with Zeke, he said, “Thanks again, babe!” waved and scurried off to homeroom. Zeke stood still a moment or two, watching him go.

‘God. Damn. It,’ he thought.


By the time school was over, Zeke was pretending he was wearing blinders, marching down the halls as if he were on an important mission.

“Carnations for sale!!” Molly Woodruff, one of the student council members hollered at the top of her lungs just as Zeke was passing by yet another stupid fundraising table. He put earplugs on a mental list of what to bring tomorrow for school and quickened his step, until he’d made it outside. ‘Thank fuckin’ god,’ he thought, his hand in his pocket and clenching onto his lighter, tight. With three cigarettes left in his pack, he’d be making a stop on the way home.

Home. Zeke couldn’t get to his car fast enough. The second the door was thrown open and he sat down, he set-up a smoke for himself. “Mmm,” he hummed aloud, all senses tuning in as he got nicotine flowing in his system again. He shut the door, turned on the ignition and threw his bag on the passenger seat. He was just about to put the car in reverse when he stopped dead.

It’d been too long. How fucked, how utterly fucked, would he have ended up the next time he talked to Casey after accidentally making the poor boy walk home? Thankful that not all brain cells had died out, he grabbed his bag and tossed it in the back. The box holding the last two doughnuts had been set on the floor where Casey was going to need the space, so he picked it up and looked to the back for where to toss it, for now. Being as flimsy as the box was and the lid open, he felt both pastries slide down and almost fall out. “Fuck’s sake,” he said, grabbing them out of the box, putting them on the passenger seat then hoisting himself up to turn and put the empty box behind the driver’s side, where a filled bag of trash was waiting to be tossed.

“Hey, you remembered me, cool.”

Zeke smiled as Casey arrived, opened the door and sat down. ‘Barely,’ he thought as he turned back around, sighed then went shock-still in a shot. “Uh..mmm…” he uttered, just as Casey frowned and put the seatbelt aside for the moment to squirm.

“What am I sit…” he said, but in his moving his lower half up to reach underneath him, his eyes went wide. When his hand came back up, both of them stared at the sugary, gooey mess coating his fingers. “Wh-What… the FUCK is… Zeke!”

“I-I’d just-put ‘em down a sec! Was tossing… the box-“

“My entire ass is covered-oh, EW, your fucking Bavarian cream is EVERY-where!”

Mute horror came first as Zeke stared at Casey, who was now struggling to leave the seat and hop back outside. It gave him a full view of Casey’s usually adorable backside, now made into an impressionist piece-of-art with powdered sugar, lumpy doughnut crumbs and chunks and of course, pale yellow, sticky cream as the mediums. As the young man spluttered and yelled random, angry syllables, Zeke’s face melted into a mess of a smile, one he desperately fought to keep off his face. But when he started snorting out the laughter he was trying to keep hidden, Casey leaned down quick to send him a cold, furious stare.

“What’re you laughing at??”

“N…Nothing, I wasn’t lau…” It seemed the second Zeke tried to speak, the hilarity he felt building-up to critical mass saw its way out through his opened mouth. Each laugh coming out was more like a bomb, Zeke unable to hold back anymore.

“You-YOU, you DID this on purpose!” Casey yelled into the car as he began collecting any paper-products he could find scattered around.

“I d-d-didn’t, swear t-to GOD,” Zeke howled out.

“Yeah, that has meaning, you asshole-atheist!”

It was simply too much. While Zeke did try to help Casey in searching for something to try and wipe the bulk of the mess away, going so far as to get out and go to his trunk for some towels, the chuckling knew no end. “H-Here,” Zeke said, presenting Casey with a small hand-towel, thankfully clean. Another towel, a beach towel he’d forgotten he had, would be put on the seat once he’d cleaned that.

“Thanks a LOT, dickmunch,” Casey said through gritted teeth.

“I did not do that on purpose. Seriously,” Zeke replied. Some humor died down-a little, anyway-in how messy the seat was. “Don’t you look before you sit your ass down, little man?”

“Not every day some idiot decides that the best place to put a cream-filled doughnut is MY seat,” Casey said. He swiped his wrist over his temple to nudge his winter hat up and groaned. “If you really wanted to get me outta my pants, there are better ways to accomplish that, y’know. JE-sus…”

Zeke swallowed and sucked in his lower lip. With the main mess gone and not looking too horrible a clean-up job, he sighed, laid the towel out over the space and turned to Casey with a grin. “Um, need help?” he asked. Casey looked him dead in the eyes, narrowing his own.

“No. Thank. You.”

“Actually, ya do…” Zeke said, chuckling again in seeing the long line of sugary-cream Casey had smeared on his face, cheek to temple. Without thinking, Zeke reached to it with his fingers, trying to smooth it away with his thumb. The action was quick and purposeful, at first; it slowed, even with nothing there left to clean after a few swipes. He felt hypnotized and at strange peace in touching Casey as he was. The mean expression Casey had been wearing died down into a blank one, eyes staring back at Zeke.

“Did… did you… g-get it?” he asked in a soft voice.

“Yeah,” Zeke said, the word a mere breath as he kept his hand still now, feeling heat building up against his hand from Casey’s cheek. A swallow rolled down Casey’s throat and his lips parted; the lower one had a slight shake to it.


The sudden bellow close-by made both boys startle and jump back a step; Zeke turned an angry glare toward the two boys approaching, one running top-speed and looking back at his football-throwing friend. ‘How DARE they,’ he irrationally thought. The moment interrupted and over, he coughed into his fist and raised his eyebrows. “Let’s… get you home to change outta that… mess,” he said with a shaky smile.

“Yeah…” Casey sounded lost in the reply as he got into the car again, careful to keep the towel in its spot. Zeke sighed, went around the hood and got back behind the driver’s seat. As they buckled in, Casey gave him a questioning stare.

“That really had been an accident?” he asked.

“A happy one. Yup,” Zeke replied.

“For you, sure,” Casey grumbled out, but a small smile returned as he settled back into the seat.

Zeke shrugged, turned up the radio and finally got out of the spot, out the lot’s exit and on the road heading for home. The ride was quiet, with Casey only sighing every now and again as Zeke chain-smoked away, lighting his next cigarette with the one that was dying. Finally, just as he turned onto Casey’s street, he said, “It was funny, but-sorry, at the same time.”


“No, really, I am.”

Casey let out another sigh, long and loud. “If it’d happened to you, I would’ve laughed just as much. If not more,” he said. He gave Zeke a smirk. “It’s fine. Nothing that the washing machine won’t fix.”

“Yeah. ‘Least it wasn’t a jelly doughnut…”

Casey snorted, chuckled and gathered his things once Zeke got in front of his house. “Well, thanks. At least it’s another ridiculous memory that’ll make us laugh outta nowhere when we think about it,” he said. “Love those.”

“Me too,” Zeke said. They locked eyes again, this time with no one around. Zeke noted the empty driveway, feeling the old, small rush of excitement when he’d show up for an afternoon, both parents out… it stuck around this time, even when Zeke tried dislodging it with a quick, “So, same time tomorrow?” at the same time Casey asked,

“Wanna come inside, hang out?”

That didn’t help. His left hand’s grip on the wheel tightened as he looked from empty drive to the house, back to Casey-empty drive, house… “I… dunno.”

“Oh. Got homework? I do too, so you can do it h-“

“Not a good idea,” Zeke spat out. He almost regretted how sharp the words came out, especially when all Casey could do was give him a confused stare.

“Wh… why not?” Casey asked.

“It’s just not. Just… not.” Zeke felt frustrated and colder than ever, and not because of the air coming in through Casey’s leaving the door open, half of him out, the other half in. Looking for anything to get him out of this, anything at all, he shrugged in a jerky, awkward way, saying, “I gotta get more cigs, then do some dishes when I get home, so yeah, I’m busy.”

The next few moments were full of dead, awful silence, until Casey began nodding slowly. “Oh… ‘kay. See you tomorrow?”

“Yep,” Zeke said with a lone, curt nod.

Casey flashed him one last tiny smile, waved then finally, finally got out. Zeke didn’t want to look like a jerk, immediately speeding off the second the door closed, so he waited until Casey was at the door and going inside. With a long inhale then longer exhale, he put the car back into drive, checked his mirrors then moved away from the curb. He took it slow, seeing a woman pushing her stroller to the corner ahead. She stopped when she saw him, but he sighed and made a ‘go ahead,’ wave to her.

“Thanks!” she called, waving even. Zeke nodded up once, acknowledging her then hit the blinker to turn left. He checked each side, cut the wheel then went numb. As the indicator click-clacked his intended turn, he started imagining a stopwatch, out of nowhere. Click-clack. Click-tock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, ticktock, ticktockticktock…

The sudden concern over time, and how there never seemed to be enough of it, made Zeke cut the wheel all the way, meet the other curb in a shot then fulfill his three-point turn in heading back down to Casey’s house in a roaring, rumbling rush. He parked across the street, got the keys out of the ignition and left the car, barely shutting its door behind him as he jogged quick to Casey’s house. He threw the screen door open and rapped on the wood.

“Casey?” he called, bobbing impatiently on the balls of his feet. Looking through the lace curtains covering the door’s window, he saw no shadows of movement approaching. He did hear music, coming from upstairs. Groaning, Zeke checked the knob and steeled himself when it turned and allowed him entry. Now inside, he gnawed at his lower lip then called, “Casey??” again, louder this time. Nothing. “God damn it,” he growled under his breath before going up the stairs.

He passed the bathroom, its door open and insides dark. Zeke sniffed and felt the first bite of nervousness as he reached Casey’s room and gave a tiny knock as a warning before opening it. “Case, I-“

“OH-my-FUCK!” the shocked and surprised young man said in a rush, turning on his heels and staring at Zeke with saucer-like eyes. He let out a heavy breath, still wide-eyed and now panting from shock. “Ch-Christ! What… are you…”

Zeke had no idea himself. Recovering any rational thought at the moment was impossible, considering the sight before him. Casey was stood by his dresser, holding a pair of jeans, while the messy ones sat on the bed. That left him in just his plain white t-shirt and dark, hi-cut briefs. “S-Sorry, I…” Zeke finally managed to say while turning halfway around to put an end to his staring at the poor thing.

“What’re you doing back here?” Casey said. “Thought it was cigs and… dishes, for you.”

Dishes. He’d actually used doing fucking dishes as an escape hatch to get away from what he REALLY wanted to do this afternoon. Figuring Casey had had ample enough time to get himself ‘suitable’ for his sudden company, Zeke tried taking a deep breath as he turned back around. He winced and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Jeans, Casey, remember?” he said. God, he was shaking. Any more of this teeming anxiety and he was going to burst…

“You can… look at me,” Casey’s soft voice told him. Zeke couldn’t, but he was going to be forced to in Casey’s stepping over to him slowly. “Zeke?”

“No, was stupid, forget it-“ Feeling like he’d lost his mind entirely, Zeke went to turn back toward the hallway, head mach-five back to his car and gas-up for New Orleans. Never come back. Maybe send a postcard. All of those impulsive, crazed thoughts stopped the second Casey placed a hand on the cheek facing away from him and turned Zeke back slowly to meet his gaze.

“Look. At me,” Casey said. His voice was quiet but thick, one Zeke hadn’t heard from him before. Zeke focused his eyes on Casey’s lips, the lower one shaking again. It made Casey look scared, which Zeke didn’t want. He raised his hand up and placed his thumb gently over Casey’s mouth to still it. He slid it in a slow, pressing slide to the corner of Casey’s lips and stayed there, his other fingers following the motions in cupping Casey’s face. The limp hand hanging on his right side was then taken by Casey’s, lacing their fingers together. Feeling that made Zeke clench his hand over his, tight.

“Might not be-the best i-idea,” Zeke haltingly said but didn’t move away. He only squeezed Casey’s hand tighter while saying the words.

“I don’t care, if it isn’t.” Casey swallowed, slid his hand to the back of Zeke’s neck and tugged him gently down to give Zeke’s upper lip a tiny lick of his tongue before pressing their mouths together. The electricity that made in Zeke sent his hand from Casey’s face to the doorframe, grabbing hold of it in a tight grip as if he was afraid of falling over. His head and shoulders moved forward, making Casey arch back and moan then turn his head to make the kiss go deeper. He didn’t bother to hide his hunger now. He turned his back toward the bed, pried Zeke’s fingers from the wood and sent them kiss-stumbling backwards until Casey sat in a heap. Their lips broke free, but only so Casey could lay back, claw at Zeke’s coat and bring him down with him.

If this was going to end up being a bad idea, it would be the best bad idea they’d ever had, Zeke resolved to himself as Casey fought to unzip the coat between their pressed-together fronts then yank each side away. Zeke threw his arms back, still devouring the mouth below him with his own, shedding the coat and letting it fall in a heap behind him on the floor. Down now to the thinned cotton t-shirt he wore, Zeke pulled Casey’s body further up onto the bed, moved his bottom half past Casey’s wide-open legs and looped both arms around the boy, one going under his neck to raise Casey’s face up to his further, the other sliding underneath Casey’s arm to the other side, his hand gripping the boy’s opposite shoulder. He felt like a hungry, frantic anaconda in how tight he was holding Casey to himself, the only sounds Casey made toward the awkward but wonderful arrangement of their bodies being quick, punctuated moans with every grab, squeeze and deep swoop of Zeke’s tongue against his own. A moment of worrying that the hands suddenly going between them was Casey’s trying to push him away made him unlatch their mouths and almost ask, “What, you okay?” But when Casey outright growled, pushed his hips up to raise Zeke’s and give him enough room to tear at the button and zip of Zeke’s jeans, Zeke moaned and kept himself still to let the boy get to his goal.

Zeke’s eyes closed and crossed between the lids as their kissing stopped, wet lips hovering a breath away from each other as Casey pressed a heel into the back of Zeke’s knee and moved his groin up, all to press their hard, still-clothed shafts together. “Nngh-g-god,” Zeke moaned out while starting a frantic shoe-removal with his toes alone. He struggled a moment until one came free and landed on the floor in a loud thump, the second boot getting shucked with his shoving his toes forcefully past the edge and pulling it clear off. The socks went next; Casey bit his lower lip and tried looking down between them as Zeke felt his fingers tugging the waist of his jeans down. He took the boxer-briefs waist with them, all to free Zeke’s already-engorged, aching cock out into the open. Casey brought his eyes back to Zeke’s face.

“Sit up,” he said. Much like a mindless marionette obeying his maker, Zeke moved away from Casey and sat up straight, while Casey slid his legs out from under Zeke. He stayed down, however, swiveling himself in a slow slide until his lips were breathing warm air out an inch away from the head of Zeke’s dick. “Missed you,” Casey whispered to it; Zeke almost chuckled but every muscle in him tensed as Casey wrapped his hand around the base and let his tongue start swirling over the slit. Zeke leaned back slowly until his back and shoulder found the bedpost, bracing him there as Casey followed to suck half the length in, hold Zeke there a moment then slide off again. His eyes were at half-mast as he then slid his hand up from the base to the tip; Zeke watched with unblinking eyes as his shaft was pressed up against his stomach and Casey returned again, this time with his tongue out to lap a wide, wet line from the base to the head again in an excruciatingly slow slide. He repeated the action down, then up again, then continued traveling up with just his lips breathing over Zeke’s navel, up, sternum, a light kiss in the hollow of his throat, until he was crawling in Zeke’s lap and putting their foreheads together. Zeke’s hands shook as they moved over Casey’s back, one going down to get his fingers a mere inch past the waist of Casey’s underwear.

“I’m… glad you came back,” Casey said, unable to keep from letting a lone, shy chuckle escape.

Zeke stared back stone-faced, however; he brought the hand running over Casey’s shoulders between them to take Casey’s face in his hands. The words he wanted to say were there in his mouth, but a heavy swallow was needed to clear the thick, choking feel in his throat to mutter, “’Been wanting to come back a long f-fucking time, now.” Admitting that filled his eyes; Casey gazed at the first tear that spilled, then the next, until he put his hands on either side of Zeke’s face to massage them away.

“Shh…” he hushed gently. Zeke tried to regain composure, sniffing hard and clearing his throat.

“This… is okay, though? Cos’ I want it. I want this,” he said.

“And I want you to want it.” Casey pressed a light kiss on Zeke’s lips, murmured, “It’s okay,” then resumed the same kiss from before, which Zeke reciprocated to with growing force. He brought his hands back behind Casey to fist at the fabric of the shirt, twisting it a few times before tugging it upwards. Casey bent away to lift his arms and let Zeke take it off, then repeated the action with Zeke’s, before moving away to crawl on his elbows to the head of the bed. Before he lowered down onto his back, he reached to Zeke’s hand and pulled it to his waist. “Please,” he whispered.

Zeke snarled as he hunched down to move close and take the waist of the briefs in both hands now, all to fulfill Casey’s wish. Casey lifted himself up a little, making a pleased hum as Zeke removed the last piece of clothing in his way. Seeing the boy’s long, engorged length standing at attention in being freed made Zeke’s breath hitch as he tugged Casey’s right leg open more with the underwear before it slipped off onto the edge of the bed. “God… look at you,” Zeke said, his voice going deep and thrumming down to a throaty, hungry rumble in his chest as he slid up Casey’s legs, a hand on each to open them further along the way. He reached the purple, already-leaking head, whispered, “I missed you, too,” then took the length in as deep as he could into his mouth. Casey’s thighs trembled in Zeke’s hands as he arched his neck and shoulders from the bed.

“O-Oh ffff-uck…” he said in a halted choke before he was sent gaping soundlessly at the ceiling with the heavy, rhythmic sucking Zeke gave him. Zeke had never forgotten how offering this kind of instant stimulation at the very start always put Casey in a brain-melting state. He’d go at this for a good while, until moving on to other favorites of Casey’s, but Zeke was going for quick-switches right now, too eager to get Casey trembling, panting and mewling as much as possible. Casey’s dick was let-go in a quick pop and Zeke moved lower, bringing both hands down to the base of Casey’s thighs to shove his ass up and open; the moment Zeke began lapping his tongue over the hot, pouting hole of Casey’s ass, a heavy series of breathy, urgent “Ah-hungh!”s were getting punched out through Casey’s wide-open mouth. Zeke worked Casey’s body into jerks, quakes and straining muscles, toes twisting and curling as Casey braced them on Zeke’s arms to push himself up against Zeke’s motions. In this way, Casey never minded showing off the greedy side he DID, in fact have, especially in his taking the back of Zeke’s head and lacing his fingers in his hair to hold onto him tight. “Suck-it, oh G-GOD, suck me-e-e…” he said in a desperate wail.

‘I’ve missed this boy,’ Zeke thought toward this needy version of Casey, the one who’d beg and plead for everything he loved getting most from Zeke. He’d always lose control, his reserved, quiet everyday nature ripped away from him the moment Zeke’s tongue revealed the secrets hiding in Casey’s skin. Doing that brought Zeke’s secrets to the surface, made him say and do things he’d never done with anyone else. There’d never been any one person who’d make Zeke do and feel the way he would, just this one. The boy who’d never fully left his mind, and probably never would.

With Casey now made into a whimpering, shaking mess, Zeke moved up to kneel and began tugging his jeans off, wondering why they’d stayed on so long to begin with. Casey opened his bleary eyes, still panting then began shaking his head.

“N-No… wait…”

‘God no. Anything but this,’ Zeke panicked in his mind. “What?” he said in a croak.

Casey tried evening his breath then swallowed. “Never told y-you… always loved it… when you’d leave ‘em on,” he told him.

Zeke raised an eyebrow as he smoothed his hands over Casey’s knees. “Y-Yeah?”

Nodding, Casey’s cheeks went pink and a tiny smile tickled his lips. “I’d be stripped down, naked and you’d… unzip, pull it out, fuck me…” Casey’s tongue emerged to lap lightly at the corner of his lips. “Cos’ I was yours to fuck, wherever, whenever you wanted.”

Zeke’s head spun. If he’d known of this little secret Casey had harbored for so long, he would have capitalized on it a LOT more than he had. He fought for a little reality however, here and now. “As long as you promise no regrets after this… then that’s what I’m gonna do, boy.” He moved to hover over Casey, one hand holding him up, the other moving to Casey’s chin and lock eyes with him. He held that gaze even when Casey’s wavered in Zeke’s twisting his hips, grinding the rough edges and ridges of the black denim he wore against Casey’s groin and soft, milky thighs. “Want me to chafe you up good, huh?”

“Nnn-mmhmm…” Casey hummed, his teeth clenching tight onto his lip, making the perfect shade of pink go white.

“Do I go in raw, or… take the careful route?”

“R-Raw. Pl… Please,” Casey begged.

Another moment of reality, one that had been bound to come up. Zeke did his best to smirk as he said, “That guy before me had the right paperwork, right?”

Casey blinked wildly; as Zeke smoothed his thumb over Casey’s cheek, he said, “Tes… ted? Didn’t… need to be…”

“That’s what they all say, Casey… you know that.”

“No, didn’t need, cos’… we didn’t.”

Zeke’s smirk melted away, realizing what Casey was getting at. “You two never-?” he asked, not needing to finish the question as Casey answered with a slow shake of his head. “And… why not?”

“He… he’s one of those guys who isn’t-into that. That part.”

A strange form of anger started to creep into Zeke’s veins, but not at Casey. He narrowed his eyes and moved his hips in tighter, dipping down to nestle his needy shaft into Casey’s cleft. Zeke made tiny up and down motions to get Casey in the mood to start gagging for it as he moved his lips to Casey’s ear and whispered, “I’d spend so many nights in bed, naked, jerking-off… thinking of this hot, tight ass and what I’d done to it…” He paused to take in a hissing, hot breath and nudge his cock in closer, tighter. Casey’s neck strained against Zeke’s cheek as he began nibbling at Casey’s earlobe and went on, “…And all along, he’s got access to what I wanted and didn’t take it?”

“N-N-No… ah!” Casey yelped at the hard, quick nip Zeke took of Casey’s neck as he worked his way down, trailing his tongue to the hollow of Casey’s throat then up again, until he stopped over Casey’s lips to lick around them. With slow, calculated movements, Zeke brought a hand down behind them both to Casey’s ass, making sure not to brush against Casey’s skin to give him any warning. His blind movement to Casey’s hole ended up being on-target, his middle finger stretching out and entering halfway-in. Casey’s shocked gasp and jolting was the payoff, making Zeke’s grin go wide and devilish.

“So this… has never really stopped being mine, has it?” Zeke asked. Casey’s eyes squeezed shut tight, but he didn’t reply; he didn’t have to. His body was telling Zeke every answer he needed to know, from the pulse and squeeze of his anus and the muscles inside clenching on, to Casey’s blunt, thin and deceptively sharp nails digging into Zeke’s back. Once his finger was all the way in and making light but deep thrusts, Zeke uncurled two more fingers to dive in with the first. Casey’s body being out-of-practice or no, he was taking Zeke in easily, even bearing down in jerks a few times to show his want for more. Zeke swallowed and scrunched his nose a little as he asked, “Are you mine, again?”

“Y-Yes,” Casey said, nodding furiously. “You… all y-yours.”

Feeling ready… MORE than ready, to the point where Zeke worried if he’d cum a few buckets in just feeling Casey’s tight hole pressing against the head of his cock, Zeke steeled himself and thought, ‘You make this fucking last, asshole,’ at himself as he moved his hips back, brought his hand down to take the base and guide himself toward his, or their, goal. He stilled once the tip was braced against Casey’s anus, the promise of hot, squeezing pleasure waiting to find Zeke in the slightest push forward. He did just that, every muscle in his thighs and waist clenching to make his entrance slow and even. Casey’s mouth went into an O but no sound came out, until Zeke saw it fit to work himself all the way in through one solid, firm shove. He stilled and stayed there, willing his body to comply with his wishes to last, fucking last, fucking last… once he felt acclimated enough to both the new and familiar Casey’s body brought him, he let out a long-held breath and moved to hover over Casey, strong thighs carrying Casey with him. Casey began panting, over and over, until his throat clenched over a swallow and his folded legs went around Zeke’s hips to his back. Zeke felt Casey’s feet lock together behind him, all to keep himself up and hold Zeke tighter inside of himself.

Zeke almost didn’t want to start thrusting, as the way they were right now was perfection. They stared at each other with intensity, until Zeke unclenched a fist from the blankets and moved it to Casey’s face again. He knew how he looked, right now; the silent worshiping of the boy below him came through the light touches and his gazing at the skin he moved over. He felt lost-a beautiful and helpless lost, where his only connection to the world around him was in loving Casey as hard and desperate as he did.

But the shaking of his stomach meant that he needed to start thrusting for release, the tension in him to find it beginning to build. With a set jaw, Zeke closed his eyes, lowered down to start another wet, wonderful kiss with the boy and begin pushing back then forward, back, forward, creating a perfect rhythm through both of their bodies. Casey’s arms went up to clench his fingers around the rail at the head of the bed, offering perfect, stone-still resistance for Zeke to push and pull into, and against, with every thrust he made. Casey showed his strength in his matching Zeke’s force, even as Zeke began to make every dive-in quicker and more desperate. But it didn’t last; Casey’s hands began slipping a little, fingertips and even nails scrabbling for purchase. His elbows unlocked at Zeke’s hardest thrust in so far, however, Casey gasping into Zeke’s mouth as he was shoved roughly toward the pillows, their kiss breaking. The moment their mouths came apart, Casey’s wails began. They started as a murmur but soon became punched-out, loud and uncontrollable. His arms slid up and down, one trying to go back to the rail and hold on. He only flailed and went helpless against the force of Zeke’s hips; Zeke growled, deep and dangerous, before pulling Casey’s wrists together into one hand, the other braced over his shoulder to jerk his body against his thrusts inside.

The idea that he had full and complete control of Casey, along with the guilty-thrill of leaving bruises and marks on Casey for the whole world to see, started to claim Zeke’s every sense. Right now, he could take anything he wanted from Casey’s body, all he wanted. In a rich, devious fantasy world, this was the fuck that convinced Casey to always stay close, to never say, ‘no’ to any requests Zeke made of him. Every imagined scene, from the privacy of their bedrooms to Casey getting stripped and fucked in the backseat of the GTO at a busy truck-spot along the highway was enough for Zeke to turn the corner and see ultimate pleasure ahead. His eyes opened in a snap and narrowed, putting their foreheads together to gasp out panting, tremulous breaths over Casey’s lips.

There wasn’t a sound he could make that would fully express the bomb-blast of euphoria Zeke was experiencing. The disjointed, guttural shouts he made in feeling the heat he was making deep inside of Casey made his throat go raw, everything in him going into the eventual growling of the word, “M-mi-ine…” just under Casey’s ear at his neck before his last thrust in was made the deepest he’d gone yet, held still and strong then was instantly replaced with a brand of exhaustion Zeke hadn’t ever felt before. It made him slump over Casey’s body and the hands holding Casey down loosen, until his hold was gone entirely. Zeke closed his eyes, panting out the last of his sexual energy for a few moments. Casey was a shuddering mass himself, his wrists and shoulder carrying bright red marks, some already blooming into bruises.

‘Don’t… drop,’ Zeke thought when he felt his eyes cross and close. His body worked against his trying to sit up, but Zeke fought through the haze and emptiness he felt tingling in his brain to rise up, straighten then bring his shaking hands down to Casey’s thighs. Casey watched his movements as if entranced. Zeke stared back with intensity before dropping his gaze down between Casey’s legs. What was usually the pale, perfect flesh of his inner thighs now had various patches of red, just as Casey had wanted. Running his fingers in whispers over the chafing he’d left behind, Zeke stared at the boy’s face. Casey winced, gasped and jerked against Zeke’s touch, chest rising up and down fast. “You’re gonna feel this a while,” Zeke murmured. He stared down at his fingers, which concentrated on the angriest-looking spot which sat closest to the line of Casey’s groin. “Every time you move, you’ll come back to this…”

“Z-Zeke…” Casey swallowed and gasped out his next breath as he stared down at his groin. “Pl… Please, jerk me o-off…”

“Shh,” Zeke gently hushed him, but before Casey could whine in protest, Zeke slid his hand around Casey’s shaft and wrapped his fingers around the base. Casey still, tensed for a moment then sank into the bed further, humming deep and long while Zeke began stroking with a firm grasp. He stared at the body he was tending to, moving his hand down below Casey’s sac to his anus. More irritation and signs Zeke had been there showed, the wet he’d left there glistening on the skin. Zeke traced around the rim with one finger, finding it hot and slick. He’d done a number on Casey, that was for sure; he deserved all the pleasure Zeke had taken from his beautiful, giving body, if not more.

“OH, oh… o-ohh, ah-haaah…” Casey’s gasping complimented his jolting, jerking motions in his legs when Zeke brought his face down close; the combination of his jerking Casey quicker, the fingertip wiggling just past the ring of muscle and laving Casey’s chafed skin with his tongue was putting Casey in a frantic state. He lifted his head to watch Zeke, mouth open to take shallow, panicky breaths, brow furrowed as he tried registering what was being done to him. He threw his head back down and squirmed his lower half against the blankets and mattress, making Zeke work to follow. “I’m-I-I-oh, fffuck!…” he shouted at the ceiling, jerked into a statue-still arc from the bed then shuddered head to toe as his cock released halted strings of white over his thighs, belly and up to his chest. Zeke made one last round of fast-paced jerks around the slick shaft, until he felt it start to soften. He massaged slowly down and slowly up and off, letting it fall to Casey’s belly and rest there.

A smile was given to Casey, whose half-lidded eyes, rosy cheeks and heaves of breath made the perfect picture of a pleasure-spent young man. Zeke sniffed and lowered his face down to make luxurious laps along each trail of ejaculate on Casey’s skin, cleaning the mess he’d made like the gentleman he was.

“Mmm…” Casey hummed, a dreamy smile on his face. With Zeke’s job finished, he continued making small licks and kisses up one side of Casey’s chest, flattening his tongue once at his left nipple to give it extra love, before finally reaching Casey’s mouth. Casey placed a hand just under Zeke’s jaw, his fingers spread out toward his neck and ear as they gave each other small, wet kisses for a few moments. Zeke braced their foreheads together and curled a corner of his lips up.



“Will you go out with me?”

The whole bed shook underneath them with the hearty, deep chuckle-fit Casey fell into. Still quaking with laughter, Casey replied, “Sure, why not?”

“Cool,” Zeke said, joining Casey with breathy chuckles through his nose. He shrugged and moved onto his side, saying, “That’s what I’d come back to ask, but… you interrupted me.”

“God. You’re such a dork,” Casey said, moving to face Zeke and nuzzle against him, both of them staying close to relax together in each other’s arms. The perfect ending to their beginning-again, if Zeke said so himself.


Okay. So she was a little jealous, which was not exactly the most socially-acceptable way to feel. It was one thing for an older woman to check out younger men in an innocent, ‘damn, if I was his age…’ way, but when the joke of the house was how Casey feared his mother was somehow going to steal his nineteen-year old boyfriend away from him, Meredith had to blush and pout. Thinking on how it wasn’t just age that kept her from making an ass of herself, but equipment had her chuckle to herself as she drove through town.

She hadn’t planned on this coffee-run. When she’d gotten out of work early due to lack of customers at the salon, all she’d wanted to do was head home, make a pot of coffee for herself and see if Casey was around to go digging into the boxes on the porch with her. He’d have been excited in her spending her lunch break at the new antique shop downtown, which offered booth space for people wanting to sell their wares. But spotting the GTO parked across the street had given her the little thrill it always did, knowing Casey had her favorite young-company by. As she’d come through the back door, went into the kitchen and opened her mouth to call, “Casey, you home?” she heard strange but distinctive noises coming from upstairs. They were either having heated competition on Casey’s video-game system, or fighting. She’d headed to the stairs to find out what was happening, but had only needed to get halfway-up to hear certain words and syllables being shouted, along with a rhythmic thumping coming through the walls to figure it out.

Three options were put on the table for Meredith to choose from in the handful of seconds she stood frozen on the steps. The first was to be the Momma-Bear she was. Like hell her son was a perfectly rational, young-but-grown eighteen year old adult. He was in that room, being attacked by ANOTHER young man-and her loving Zeke or not, he wasn’t allowed to touch her son like that. If she’d chosen that option, she would have stormed up the stairs and burst into the room, grabbing the first solid object she could find to swing at Zeke while hollering, “Get off my baby!”, but she hadn’t.

The second choice involved a more calm and rational approach to mix with her ‘but my baby!’ protective instincts. They were teenagers, for God’s sake. She’d been one, at one point. Her own history had a few embarrassing boyfriend experiences before meeting her one-and-only in the college sophomore named Frank Connor. So of course her son, grown and wise beyond his years, was going to let go with his boy-of-choice and get a bit wild. But she still wanted it to stop, for now, at least with her right there in the house with them going at it. A shouting of his name, asking, “Is Zeke with you??” and making slow but loud steps up to the second floor would get them in a frenzy of dressing quick and pretending they hadn’t been doing anything untoward. She’d knock on the door, wait a handful of seconds then stick her head in, asking if they wanted a snack and sodas. She’d only bring it up later, when Zeke had gone home to admit she knew what’d been going on. Even if Casey went red-faced and was sent into a stammering mess, she liked it when things were honest between them, so he’d always be open to talk to her about all the important things in life.

But the third option was another mix, one that left out the Momma-bear routine entirely. Fact was, she knew how happy her boy was with Zeke altogether, being friends or more-than… as what the loud noises they’d been making revealed that they’d become the latter. What was the harm in backing-off and pretending she’d never come home, all to let them enjoy their wild afternoon together in-well, ‘peace’ wasn’t the word, she’d thought, chuckling to herself as she headed back down, went to the back porch and left them to it. They had an hour, tops, to get what they wanted done for her to return home, play nice then, as in number-two, tease Casey into admitting he’d gotten that gorgeous slab of man back into his clutches after that man made his leave.

It wasn’t just Zeke who didn’t need to be around. The other joke, involving her not being able to keep secrets? THAT was a joke, in and of itself. Things like surprise parties got her excited and loose-lipped perhaps, but when it came to the important things, with her marriage, their family and her very own son, she’d managed to vault many a ‘between-you-and-me’ experience with not one soul being let in on whatever secrets she’d been told. So if Zeke left before her husband got home, she’d have ‘the talk’ with Casey then. If he stuck around (which she’d be all-too-happy for), she’d wait until the man she loved was settled in to watch the news to go up for a ‘Mom-and-Son’ meeting in his room, or on the back porch to sift through her collections. But it would be between her, him, and Zeke, in a way.

For now, she’d parked at the curb in front of Starbucks and was heading in, greeted by the deep, rich aroma of coffee and various bakery items. With no one at the counter, she was instantly greeted by a friendly girl, one who looked younger than Casey. “Hello, Ma’am; what would you like today?” she asked.

“Hmm… a cappuccino sounds good. A medium, or… however it’s called here,” she replied. “Maybe with some mocha, a bit of extra sugar?”

“Mocha, sure… sugar’s right over at that station, add however much you want. Let me go get it together for you.”

Mrs. Connor smiled and brought out her wallet, but in looking to the pastry case nearby, she furrowed her brow and stepped over for a closer look. With her server standing close-by, making her drink, she asked, “What are ‘birthday cake pops’?”, pointing to the item.

Not a minute later, she was sitting at the table by the window, her coffee in one hand, the other holding the small confection. A little pricey, but everything was worth a try. After she’d eaten it, she’d gone back to the counter for a half-dozen more to bring home and share with everyone. It looked like a relatively simple concept, something she herself could whip-up no problem. ‘Bet that boy would come around every time I made a batch,’ she thought as she got back to the car, ready for home. She hoped those devious young men were presentable enough to come down and pretend they hadn’t been screwing-around, all to enjoy sweets and court dramas on TV with her. Simple stuff.

so you think you can tell

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