Nov 06, 2012 13:58
Okay... so I lied. *sheepish mope* I'm not taking off, and I feel bad for the slight flouncy-flounce I made last night. It's not like the cause(s) of it are the BFD anyway, but since it was a social mishap through various online-social-circles, I basically panicked and ran. But I put my big-girl-pants on and slunkeded back in. Things might be resolving just fine, anyway.
I also felt ALL "D'OH!" about my timing, since today was the election, and though I was conflicted over whether to vote or not, I did. This election's just sucked me dry. The constant ads, attacks, whatever else have ground my sense of American responsibility into a fine powder. I'm not alone of course.
Since I'm not one to shy away from blabbing about my political choices, I can say that I voted for Obama (as most here are doing; to those who didn't, you don't gotta read, lol). I'm not as gung-ho as I was last year about him, but we were all nutjobs for thinking he'd just FIX EVERYTHING in four years. That was our fault, setting ourselves up for disappointment. So I wanna give him another chance. And really, Romney scares the living shit outta me. To be fair, someone in my HP RPG said it best today: "Voting for Obama is like the Titanic crashing then being thrown in reverse, only to end up crashing into the same iceberg, while voting for Romney is plowing ahead to crash into a whole NEW iceberg." I disagree a bit with the Obama metaphor, but it's the way politics is, really. :P
I did end up voting for Brown (Rep) instead of Warren (Dem) for Senate, for the simple reason that Brown's proven to be a more bipartisan candidate, rather than a hardcore tea-partying republican. He voted for 'Dont Ask, Don't Tell' to be repealed, which shocked me, along with a lot of other issues. He's done some things I don't like, but I just trust him more for whatever reason. I had to skip that one to really think on it; I knew I'd have to when presented with my poll. Sooo...
Kinda tired and blah right now. See y'all on the flip-side. And again, sorry I was flouncy. *squish*