One of our town's finest, Officer Jose Torres, was killed today by a construction mishap involving a dump-truck. The link to the story and video of the news conference is
here. I know there are stories like this in the news all the time, and the officers are always described as great people in a generic way, but in THIS case, it's all true. I didn't know him that well, but he'd always come into my work at the convenience store, always smiling and cheerful. He LOVED his scratchies and the fruit-machine, never complained and was friendly to everyone. The real, true example of what a cop is supposed to be.
It's just sad. I'm actually tearful, and I wasn't even a friend of his. I guess it comes from the fact that he was a regular, and his sweet demeanor was always so welcome after I'd deal with grumpy idiot customers. Awful, awful.