(no subject)

Apr 13, 2012 18:04

So we had this extremely scary incident happen in our area today, wherein an eight-year old boy was taken hostage by this guy--whether he was his dad, no one knows yet--and the whole town's been buzzing about it. My co-worker grew up in Chicopee herself, so she was trying to catch snippets on both the radio and TV when she'd pass through. The TV in the deli was on 22 News all day because of it, of course.

That was until one of the regulars we despise came in and changed it. To what, you may ask? Faux-Fucking-Noos.

He ALWAYS changes it to Faux Noos. ALWAYS. And here it is, a few tables filled in the TV room, this elaborate "WTF??" event going on practically down the road... and he changes it to Faux-Fuggin-NOOS. Can I ask anyone here... how entitled must you be to do that? The TV is usually on:

1. A local news station
3. CNN
4. A sports channel (remember, we're Massholes, so anytime a BoSox game's on, it's on).
5. If kids come in, I'll go put it on a kid's station (fuck the lot who don't wanna watch Spongebob, kids are people too).

A customer is able to change stations if he or she wants to. They usually don't, however, especially if bunches of people are there already. It's this thing called 'common courtesy'. Today was the day I was going to waltz in and say, "Oh, someone changed it, but everyone wants to keep tabs the BATSHITTING-MADNESS DOWN THE GODDAMNED ROAD... *clicky-click*" but luckily, either someone asked him to change it back or boldly picked the remote up after he'd sat down.

His wife, who's the exact opposite, was a teacher. I didn't have her, but the others I work with who DID say she was wicked nice. And she is. So of course, she's the one who always stands at the counter to wait for their sandwiches, while dickface saunters into the TV room to plop his ass down and force everyone to watch propaganda bullshit. She'll leave us tips, while her unfortunate choice of a mate never does when he comes in alone. Thank GAWD he's stopped saying "Senior," every time I ring him up, as if we all don't know he's a senior and gets his 10% off discount. I'd LOVE to say, "Oh, okay!" then CHARGE an extra 10%. I don't think I've ever seen a smile on his face, nor heard him speak in something other than disinterested monotone.

I open tomorrow. Tempted to see if I can block that goddamned channel after I get opening-shit done. Grrz.

stupid guys, work, entitled-prickage, wtf

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