Teens kill duck in Stanley Park (warning: animal cruelty, sad)
This is the park where my goose-friend Homer lived. Every time Casey and Zeke feed ducks in stories of mine, they go *here*. There's a follow-up story, where
a woman jogger came across the scene and tried to stop the bastard, but the duck was already dead. The good thing about it is that she got a damned good look at these oxygen-wasters, so she was able to give the cops a good description.
This duck wasn't even brought to the park--he landed there and stayed, probably because he saw the awesomeness, the safety (even if foxes and the like sometimes snag a feathered-meal) and how everyone in town drops in with bread. It's well-known that the park rangers treat every living thing there like family, right down to the chipmunks and butterflies. They get names, special treatment (Homer was an old goose with problems who would get to go into the office building at night so he'd be comfortable) and love.
Stanley Park is Westfield, MA's saving grace, our gem amongst horrible traffic, constant road construction and small business crashes. But those very small businesses are putting up money towards rewards for the ones that catch these pricks, even if everyone's on the edge of a financial knife. Everyone in town is out for blood, and I'm one of them.
Ozzie, the Muscovy duck
RIP, little friend. :(