I gotta say, even if some disagree, I feckin' loved the Beastie-vid. I can see how it might turn some off--not every day you come across a LITERAL piss-fight--but the music takes me back to being in my bff's bedroom, her walls covered in posters (like, no-plaster-visible-covered) featuring them quite prominently in the middle of one wall, and her
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Glad you had good mornin. I have to hit the Wally and scrounge some basket stuff, then *gasp sob* clean.
Wouldn't Casey make the cutest easter bunny? Little blue bow and cotton tail thong on white soft butt. Nose twitching and eyes sparkling and the cutest pair of fuzzy ears on his unrully head of ruffled hair, kneeling on the bed upright waiting for zeke to open his eyes...arms and paws flopped over and waiting? heehee
hugs you xooxoxo love to peices v
I link my faves to LBX below. Lotsa good! :D So glad we share teh luvz!
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