Apr 20, 2010 19:01
*puts on her best Willie Nelson* "On the rag again... just can't WAIT *grrr* to be on *ungggh grrr* the RAG *fuckfuckfuck* again..." This hit at SUCH a WONDERFUL TIME! It's been a great day, it has. Woke up mental, crying and feeling like an elephant had tap-danced all over my uterus. Lucky for me, I have an awesome husband. *hugs the crap outta Pan*
But I've been writing, at least. Plus, while I was writhing and whining, I managed the pain to a point by thinking of the dream I had, involving Lij and Josh on a magazine cover all Calvin Klein style; Lij up in Josh's arms being carried, their chests and cheeks plastered together facing 'the camera'... further into the dream, there was video, wherein Josh's hand was clearly groping Lij's pert lil' behind. Of course, there was FURTHER depression and woe, realizing it was only a dream.
I'm sorry, but the two of them would be the hawtest, most scorching-hawt-hawt, blinding-white-and-blue-flaming-hawt couple. Ever. I'm waiting for the day when a movie's made recognizing this.