I haven't been around--SO SORRY if I've missed important things! I'm gonna try to play catch-up. I had a long workday yesterday, and since I chose to sleep in, I didn't get any solid online-time. Anyway...
--My workout this morning was lame. I managed to do the treadmill for about 34 minutes, almost two miles, but after that--ugh. I only did 7 min. on the bike, and started Nautilus, but I ended up doing two machines then quit. I just couldn't. The warm pool didn't have any freakin' classes, so I got to relax in that. The big pool's colder, and all anyone does in it is laps. I anna do handstands and shit, lol!
--I paid my super-uber-zomg-old!excise tax, so at the end of this week... *drumroll*... I'm a'gonna get my license back. Z.O.M.G. It's been eight years since I had the legal right to drive. I got all stuff in order today; went to the city clerk's office and grabbed mine and Gav's birth certificates and our marriage cert. (TEN BUCKS EACH!! WTF??), so we have all the proper documentation. W00t!
--Last night, on my way home from work, I was thrown into a terrifying situation where I was chased down...
...BY A SKUNK!!! :O:O:O!!
On my way home from work, ho-humming along, I saw a little creature lope along across the street to the trailer park. It went behind the house along the road, and I was all "Ooh! That was a skunk!" I think they're awfully cute. Still, I was cautious, because it was probably traveling behind all the houses leading into the park.
Here's a really stupid visual aid:
Green path: THE SKUNK
Yellow path: Me
Gray: Main road/Roads in the park
Purple boxes: Trailers
Pink box: Laundry room
Blue box: Manager's home
As I've described, the skunk traveled behind the homes. Me, just wanting to go home and take the shortest way doing so, continued through the exit-road of the park and went to pass through the laundry area walkway. In the middle, coming over a small pile of snow and towards the fence came THE SKUNK. I stopped dead in my tracks (where the ! is), and THE SKUNK stopped, too (the X). It raised his back when he saw me, so I stayed still and talked in a soft voice, saying, "Don't worry, skunk. It's okay. Just move along." And it did--STRAIGHT TOWARDS ME, AUUUUUGH! Thing was, he loped along as if he was wanting to PLAY with me and be my friend--no way in HELL, no matter how cute he was, was that going to come about. As you can see, my yellow-dotted path goes straight back, my arms flailing and calling "NO NO NO!" I stopped, turned and found him paused in the walk. After a few moments, THE SKUNK turned away and went behind the small stairs at the trailer where the ? is. I use a question mark because I didn't know if he was there WAITING for me. After a full two minutes, I got on the cell, called Pan and let him know what was going on. I was ready to ask him if he'd come out and look down from the other side to see if THE SKUNK was sitting there. But I simply continued, shuffling my feet to let him know I was coming, talking, etc. Last thing I wanted to do was startle THE SKUNK. Lucky for me, he must've sneaked off behind the next row of trailers. I almost ran home after dropping off the recycling I brought home from work, lol. I suppose I should be grateful; a few years back I was sitting outside at our picnic table, writing and smoking, beautiful sunny day--when A SKUNK ran from the road, under the table, its tail brushing my feet as he ran from a car passing through. He hid in a bunch of our junk a few feet away. I've never sat so still in my life.
But damn it, they're so cute!
There ends my tale of horror.
Off to catch-up and write before Gavs gets home.