(no subject)

Dec 03, 2008 08:50

I had a dream where a movie was being made starring Lij and Josh. Josh was with some girl, I think they'd reached fiance/ee status, but Lij came along and... oh god, they made out in some beautiful, glorious ways. Lij was the initiator of it, grabbing Josh by the back of his neck and shoulders and reeling him in, real rough and desperate-like. They tried hiding it from Josh's stupid, "what are you doing here??", "Get out of my slashy-dream-heaven!" fiancee, but she was highly suspicious of their 'activity'. At one point, Josh was caught trying to dress quickly when she came into the house or something. I didn't see any smex though, darn it.

I was supposedly in the movie, but watching it, too. I dunno. A plot started up about how we were in a very rough inner city, and this weird trend was starting, involving people killing someone, making someone witness it and tell them everything about it as some kind of 'insurance', that if they told they'd be next.

Anyway, here's a religion meme-thing that I'm gacking off of baranduin:

1. Take the Belief-o-matic quiz. Answer as honestly as you can.

2. Post to your blog these instructions, and answers to the following questions?

--- a. What faiths did you agree with more than 75%?
--- b. Of these, choose the three that you would be most likely to convert to, and list them in order.
--- c. How strongly does this quiz say you agree with your current faith (if you have one)?

Any comments you have on your results would probably be interesting, too.

a. What faiths did you agree with more than 75%?

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (98%)
3. Liberal Quakers (87%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (87%)
5. Neo-Pagan (81%)

b. Arrange these faiths in the order of how likely you would be to convert to them.

I consider myself Agnostic, which is pretty much Secular Humanism. So... Secular Humanism, then Unitarian, then Neo-Pagan. I can't see doing the two others; Theravada Buddism probably came up more because of my world views in general or something. I used to be heavily, HEAVILY pagan, and still try to hold onto those beliefs, but in the last few years... I dunno, I've lost a sense of religion in general. I don't see it as a bad thing at all; it's more part of my 'spiritual development' (or lack thereof, lol). I still do things like read tarot, find spirituality in the Earth, etc., but not as much.

c. How strongly does this quiz say you agree with your current faith (if you have one)?

I'd say it's pretty close. :)

religion, josh, dreams, lij

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