This just popped into my mind tonight; I'd thought about it recently, and it just makes me laugh.
I was WAY into the show 'The Incredible Hulk' when I was a kid. I'd get way impatient and pissy waiting for it. The fact that my brother Jason would fight me to watch 'Little House on the Prairie' (which I love now, but... by sexist standards, shouldn't our preferences have been reversed?) would be a pisser too, but he was rarely home.
One day, while getting mad that I had to wait a WHOLE HOUR for my show, I came up with a genius-like epiphany. It hit me out of nowhere when I looked at my mother's antique clock with the movable-by-hand numbers.
I could simply push the numbers up. I had figured it all out! For fuck's sake, those damned studio execs putting off my favorite show had NOTHING on an 8-year-old with a clock that she could push ahead an hour! I may as well have been twirling a mustache in getting the clock minutes before my show. I was the coolest, smartest person in the world.
So imagine my panic and bewilderment when the show on ended, and instead of getting my Hulk fix, the regularly-scheduled programming came on. I was all "what the FUCK??" then thought "Oh cripes! My mom's antique clock! She's gonna be SOOOO mad!!" Of course, the Bakelite cubed clock wasn't harmed in the slightest by my ebul but completely irrational plan.
I was so bummed out. My plan to alter all of time and space had failed miserably.
The second random factoid; I got the most awesome pin from the infamous
thegrapeofdeath. I wore it to the mall tonight to declare...
JARED LETO HATES HOBBITS!... 'twas better than the shirt from the same site, because on the back of the shirt it says "But I still love him". BLEGH! Noooo!
And the last thought...
Okay, so Apples in Stereo aren't THAT bad... just heard 30-second-clips off a site my husband showed me that he goes to, a music site featuring the album. Not my fave by far; but I might pick it up. Who nose.
There you have it. Yep, yep, yep.