Hello! Project rankings

Apr 14, 2009 22:25

Hello! Project rankings:
I figure I will just put this up for my own personal amusement.

#1. Momoko-
Even before I realized she was a lead singer, I just fell in love with her cuteness and wacky personality. Unlike others, I don't find anything wrong with her voice. I love her newer more mature style, it fits with the newer more mature Berryz. And her old voice suited the more "kiddish" Berryz.

#2. Maasa-
Maasa is under rated. I personally think she is a GREAT singer. Her voice worked wonderfully in Dakishimete, Dakishimete. Her voice is more suited to the more mature songs. I'd love to see her in Morning Musume. She's beautfil, and hopefully more people will start to notice her because of this photobook.

#3. Chinami-
Chinami! Who doesn't love her? She's got such an amazingly happy personality and she's always full of energy. I never took much notice of her much before "Monkey Dance" but it was there that she was able to express her energy and genkiness that I just enjoyed the heck out of her eversince.

#4. Yurina-
More spacifically, the old Yurina. She's been kinda bumped back towards the back of the group. (I don't know why they did this. Because she got too tall? Stupid.) She used to be up there in the lead singers group, and it was great. She's got a unique voice that one can easily make out from the rest of the group in my opinion. Lately, I haven't had much of a chance to know her, but I'm glad she's getting a chance again with the new Guardians 4 group.

#5. Risako-
Huh? Risako's not in last place? I dunno, recently she's just been impressing me more and more. She's slowly making her way up my rankings (never to first though, Momo's keeping that spot in my book) I'm actually looking forward to seeing her in Guardians 4. I wasn't excited about it at first, but I like the idea now. Also, although yougest in the group, I have always found her too mature for Berryz, and it's been that way since their debut.

#6. Miyabi-
I didn't want to put Miyabi in 6th place, but other members have pushed her out of the way. I just haven't seen much action from her lately. Maybe I'm not watching her enough to be sure. I've always found her the prettiest one in the group, and one of the prettiest faces in H!P, but I'm just not feelin it from her lately.

#7. Saki-
I don't know much about Saki. I've got nothing against Saki at all, but I never watched her much. Like Miyabi, others have pushed her out of the way. I've heard she is the best dancer in the group, but as I said, I just don't pay that much attention to her.

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