Because no one puts anything important in footnotes.....

Mar 31, 2005 12:37

Aw, shucks.... is Bush destined to be "always the last to know"?

From, about US intelligence on Iraqui capabilities and the suppposed Weapons Of Mass Destruction. A long article but here's a clip about the primary source of the information, an informant with the apt code-name "curve ball"...

Problems with 'Curve Ball'

The proposals were prompted in part by an Iraqi defector code-named “Curve Ball” who may have had a drinking problem and who provided suspect information on Saddam’s purported mobile weapons labs, officials said. The defector and the questions about his veracity have been described in recent government reports.

The information the defector provided was included in the much-maligned October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, a high-level collection of intelligence that the White House used to argue for invading Iraq. That document said Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, but no such weapons have been found.

The commission's report will single out that document, which said there was “compelling evidence” that Iraq sought uranium for nuclear weapons.

The document included dissent in the form of cautionary footnotes from the State Department’s intelligence bureau, the Energy Department and the Air Force.

But a senior administration official acknowledged in July 2003 that Bush and then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice did not read footnotes in the 90-page document.

Should they have seen it coming? Naming him something like that? Nah! It's just that silly thing called hind-sight.... always 20/20...

Maybe history will dub this war "Operation Swing Wide"


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