NOTE: This entry is just so I don't feel guilty for not updating my journal, and so that I don't see Last updated XX weeks ago every time I log in ;_;
I'm so bad at updating this journal -- I am, however, online everyday so I don't really have a reason not to update. I have just been burdened by the large amount of assessments recently *shrugs*
Nothing has changed in the last few months except for the fact that my emotions are much more visible to others. I blush very easily these days -_- I suspect it's because I've been around Si Yu for so long that I've caught her habits!
Bulgan wants me to go to Auckland University with her, and Si Yu wants me to go to Otago University with her. Although the prospect of living alone or with friends in a different city is inviting, I am ultimately a dependent and mentally unstable person. I would not be able to survive by myself!
I ate two dumplings last night, and one for breakfast this morning. I've been told that the Dumpling Festival is today. Stratch that. It's tomorrow. I LOVE THIS FESTIVAL ♥
I've started to read fanfiction again : mostly Final Fantasy X, some Final Fantasy VII, and [NEW] Naruto! XD I haven't really read much else. And it's just plain awesome *grin* ...