
Mar 17, 2004 06:06

Not much has happened since I last updated this. I decided to finally look seriously for another job, seeing as I hate my current one so much I feel sick with dread at having to go there. So i've had 7 interviews in 2 weeks, and I hear back today about the one I want. Fingers crossed.
Been trying to help C find a place up here to rent. It was his idea to move closer to me and asked me to help, so i got together a list of all the properties in his price range, and now he's dragging his feet on it, says he couldnt be fucked going to look at places, hints that he wants ME to do it. Phh, wake up, sunshine. I AINT doing your dirty work for you. I have enough to worry about. Quit smoking on jan 1st and havent had one since, but trying to lose weight at the same time, and its just fucking IMPOSSIBLE. Blah.
Thank FUCK i have today off or i'd be total bitch to every person who dared to call, lol.
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