
Jan 17, 2006 10:28

i woke up so siiick. last night i lost my voice, now im coughing up god knows what.

last night we decided to keep it a mellow drinking night to celebrate our last day of freedom aka school starting tomorrow. so me and matt went to gizelles, played a round of circle of death, then met her friend nichole at a small bar in east rockaway. it was fun, me and giz played darts and matt and den played pool liek a million times. i got drunk off of like one and a half beers, thats so bad. haha my tolerance has weakened. big time. but thats ok, i was a cheap date last night. haha. i slept at matts bc i had to babysit earlly today and thats where im at now. the kid is mesmorised by the tv, and he just ate a whole bag of doritos by himself. he's 3.

lisa told me im gonna have to start watchin the baby by myself starting in the summer. im so excited, but at the same time its gonna be so much work because sometimes the girls are just nuts by themselves.

its so funny how this world is so small. gizelles friend nichole last night is friends with my friend meg from school. i actually have to remind my self to tell her that.

i have to buy books this week, i totally forgot about that. boo.

dave keeps leaving me messages to come in and help write a song, but i just don't have the time for anything lately, not even for things for myself. so i told him after school got going, after work settles in and babysitting. this is gonna be a tough semester. blah.

its 10:37 and i have till 12 to be here. im gonna go find something productive to do.

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