Sep 20, 2006 17:06
Well.......I've been very very good and very very bad.
Been to the gym today (yes again!!!!) and I defeated the evil space age bouncy ball thing that you do sit ups on. Shall I make you all laugh? I managed all 20. Yes that's right I am actually proud of doing 20 sit ups. Ha one step at a time and all that. I also did all my steps on my step clmby machine thing as well as doing everything else in my program. Got eyed up by several people (male and female) and also caught the look one one skinny malinky girl who was running on the treadmill for ages without even breaking a sweat. Fine....think you are superior but I know that I am making progress! And that I am great. And best of all I eat chocolate so ha ha. I'm not at all bitter *lies*.
Last night I got very drunk. Now that's not a problem as I am actually a very sweet and loving drunk, however, I called him. Now why did I do that? For those that don't know we are having 'space' which means he's not very happy with me right now cos I've been a bit (a lot) of a pain in the arse, so much so he nearly broke up with me. I refused to accept that and we are now having 'space'. Which is ok actually because I need to have a think about our relationship and not being so.....painful to him. He was very lovely on the phone and told me not to be silly, if I wanted to call I can just not all the time. Which is fair as he's called me twice. He's definately liking me a lot more now though, and he's got through the 'she's a bitch from hell' phase and is now into the junk food and watching films to make himself happy phase. I'm fine with that. I think we are making progress.
In other news my Mum loved her birthday presents which makes me a happy bunny as I did put a lot of thought into what to get her and I did a good job of arranging what everyone could get her this year (they all automatically come to me to find out what she wants anyway so I might as well just tell them what to buy!)
I am in such a brilliant mood today, I have't got long before I go back to uni and I cant wait to see everyone and catch up. Exciting stuff. Right I'm going to make make myself some food as I'm mega hungry.