Take Risks

Jun 11, 2010 12:16

I've just come home from my session with my life coach and I feel great.

Today's session was about trying to break through my fear - fear of fialure and fear of success.

I was afraid that anything I would do wasn't good enoug - so I didn't try. On top of that I was afraid of success (I used to scoff at that term). I was afraid of the changes I'd have to make and the choices I'd have to make.

During the session I 'talked' to the seperate parts of me that experience fear or drives my creativity. I was delighted to learn that there is even a part of me that desires organisation and order. I'm learning to bring those parts of me together to work towards my goal (but at the same time letting og of the fear and replacing it with acceptance).

I am not judged by what I do (at least not my the people I care about anyway). I am not judged at all actually - I am accepted for who I am.

I don't need to fear what people think of my work. I don't need to think that I won't make friends if my work isn't what they like. Everyone likes different things. My work might appeal to some people and not to others.

I was paralysed by the fear of making the wrong choice. And yet if I make no choice I go nowhere. I feel comforted by the fact that the choices I make are the ones that are right for me at the time (using the information I have). If those choices take me down a path I don't like, I can make a new choice.

I also know that what I want to do deep down is to connect myself and to conncet othes with the love, light and beauty that I call 'spirit'. I believe if we just stop for a minute we can all fell it.

I feel freed.

I think I'll let it all settle in for a littel while before I start to write - but I will write very soon.
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