May 14, 2010 20:29
I don't really know why.
Maybe it's because the kids have been a lot of work lately. I've had to have extreme patience not to scream at anna lately. She is so obstinate; 'I don't want to do that', and so vague. i sent her down to her room to get dressed this morning and if I haven't heard anything in 15 minutes I check. As usual she was standing in nothing but her knickers. Her answer to my 'What have you been doign all this time'? 'I couldn't find a bra.' and she didn't think to call out and ask for one?!!!!!
Or maybe it's because my husband has gone out to play games with his friends.
I don't really have anything against that. He gets lonely at night cause I go to bed so early and he stays up late. But it would be nice to do something together for a change ... if only I didn't want to crash at 9pm. I have to be up early tomorrow to go to the Naturapath, and help James with his hair for the cosplay thing he's going to. Hubby is goign to the firebrigade, so I'll have to drop anna at my mum's too. all that will take me a lot longer than just getting up and going to the Naturapth in the morning, and my apointments at 8:30am.
Or maybe it's because I've been doing a little on my writing career?
I sent a chapter of my current project to someone on the children's writing forum I belong to and she said nice things abotu the plot, but still picked a lot of holes in the actual writing. I sometimes feel like I'll never get there.
I put together another submission for my last project that's doing the round of publishers. I don't hold much hope for it though. But i"ll never know if I don't try. I feel like there are so few places that an untried author CAN submit their work for consideration. It's kind of put such a dampener on my hopes that I'm struggling to find inspiration to write.
The thing is, it's not really abotu the money (though of course I need that too). I just want people to read my work. If I could afford to buy loads of self published copies to donate to libraries, I probably would. At least I'd get some joy out of what I've created.
Or maybe it's just that it's a sucky time of the month and I should just curl in bed and read a book?
I think that's what I'll do.