May 22, 2005 13:47
I just spent like forever coping and pasting a World History study guide on to Word so I could print it out. It came to a grand total of about 20 freakin' poages. How the hell am I suppose to study and do art projectiof I got 20 pages per subject. I gonna have to spend forever studing for finals on wednesday - I got navarro and ruiz (waa waa waa). Butr at least the worst is gone first. And the last is my easiest - monty and zick.
Today the most exciting that happened was that my brother found that tha answering machine had some how recorded my call to my father during which I was singing as I waited for him to pick up. How Crazy is that!! I think the machines are taking over cuz not only that but several times today I walked into my room to find my lamp fan thingy on when I specifically remember turning it off. Lik I said - CRAZY!!!
That's all for now - Byebye - KiKi -