(no subject)

Feb 03, 2004 21:23

and all i can taste is this moment

and all i can breathe is your     life

and sooner or later it`s over....

i just dont wanna miss you tonight

seriously when im bored...these things are all i do. i do them like everyday. its starting to make me look retarded,...

-.M I S C.-
[in the morning I am]: crabby
[all I need is]: him
[love is]: taken advantage of
[I'm afraid of]: growing up
[I dream about]: playing at leaps& bounds with billy, brittany gribeck, & phil fugate..lol!

-.F A V O R I T E S.-
[COLOR]: orange
[NUMBER]: 12
[DRINK:] water
[ANIMAL:] kangaroo
[HOLIDAY:] holloween.
[MOVIE:] thers something about mary.

-.W H O.-
[makes you laugh the most?]: billy lmfaooooooo
[makes you smile]: billy
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: billlllllly
[has a crush on you?]: a few stupid people at my school  I DONT CARE!
[easiest to talk to]: billy& my mom

-D O.Y O U.E V E R.-
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: noo ill try it for a day though 8-).
[cry because of someone saying something to you]: yes.

-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-
[fallen for your best friend]: no..
[been rejected]: i duno yea.
[used someone]: no.
[been cheated on]: yes.
[done something you regret]: i dunno...

-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-

[you hugged]: my mom
[you laughed with]: shauntia and bryant lmfaoo.
[you kissed]: billy.
[you said "i love you" and meant it]: billy& my mommy.

-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-
[smoke cigarettes]: no.
[obsessive]: ehh not too bad.
[what's your favorite food?]: steak
[What's your favorite fruit?] mm plums mmmmmmm
[drink alcohol?]: no.
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: yea.
[what hurts the most?]: losing everything you lived for and forcing yourself to keep going in life.
[trust others way too easily?]: yes.but im learning not to...FUCK YOU ALL.

-.N U M B E R.-
[of times I have had my heart broken?]: a few...
[of hearts you have broken?]: one that i know of..
[of continents I have lived in?]: 1
[of tight friends?]: not many...like 1.
[of records that I own?]: none.
[scars on my body?]: iduno a few here and there from falling off bikes and stuff

-.P I C K.O N E.-
[CATS OR DOGS:] cats
[1 PILLOW OR 2 :] 5
[W/ OR W/O ICE CUBES:] with.
[TOP OR BOTTOM :] bottomop.
[NIGHT OR DAY:] night.
[OCEAN OR POOL:] ocean.
[SHOWERS OR BATHS:] showers.
[LOVE OR LUST:] love.
[SILVER OR GOLD:] silver.

yeah..i need to really talk to billy. cause lately stuff has been bothering me. im so tired of coming home from school...talking for a halfhour... he leaves at 3:30 to play basketball at jcc. i sit in my room and wait till 10-11 o clock for him to come home. talk to him for a little bit longer. it gets so incredibly boring and irritating. maybe he can try going every other day? if he wants me happy he will do it. and if he tells me "im not going to jcc today :-D" i get happy...but everytime he ends up going out with a friend...plenty of times girls.

he gets jealous if i even talk to a guy. or talk about one. but hes with them everyday..

i dont get it. cause i think about stuff and i feel bad..but i hope my feelings are right and im not being controlling..?....
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