(no subject)

Jun 23, 2003 00:25

I've had a pretty good weekend.

Friday: I had my last final, which means I'm out of school until Septemeber. I spent the day with Lloyd. Around 4:30 we went to the coffee shop to prepare for the show. The show was awesome, by the way. I was a little upset because people who said they were coming didn't ditched it to go to Holly Bowl and get "trashed" but that's alright because it shows me what kind of people they are. I'm glad the crowd that came, came to enjoy the music, not just come because it's "cool". All the bands were great. I had a whipped cream fight, it was just a great night.

Saturday: I saw Hulk with Lloyd. I enjoyed it. We went to Philly again. I had a great time, especially since it didn't rain. I bought three CD's, CURLUPANDDIE, Orchid, & The Blood Brothers. I'm trying to get away from the usage of MP3's since I'm barely online anymore. We can back to Mount Holly, stopped by the shop to see how the show was going, went to the apt (fun, fun, fun), and I came home.

Sunday: We were supposed to go to New York and my mom was mad at me for a test grade so we ended up spending the day at my house. We ordered lots of food, watched The Exorcist, played Ping Pong for a long time, and watched Clerks. I had nice time. I love spending full days with him. I love you.

I'm starting full time tomorrow. That makes me happy because now I can start saving for my car. Full time at the coffee shop won't be too bad, just as long as it's never slow, and since business has been picking up, I may not have to worry about that. I have so much stuff to work on and not much time to do it.

Note to self: Develop film.
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