Every few years, I guess I like to post here?

Apr 17, 2014 18:26

I just looked back through my old posts on LiveJournal, which were in some cases a fun trip down memory lane. My very first post was made on April 4, 2005, and can be read right here:


There also are comments at the end, about as many as I ever seem to get on this site, from people I mostly still know but now communicate with on Facebook. It's interesting how things change over time.

One thing that also changed is the tooth situation, first referenced in that first post. I since then have had three wisdom teeth removed, out of the grand total of four, by a dentist in a different town than the one where I was living when I first started this journal. One of my old acquaintances has since died, and he was younger than me. My ridiculously young niece is now a teenager. I've read a lot more books, seen a lot more movies, played a lot more games, written a bunch more about all sorts of things... and yet some things remain very much the same.

Anyway, I don't have a point with this post. It's just something I think about sometimes. If you'd like to see what I'm up to lately, my current home base is:


I don't do a lot of the personal sort of posts that I used to write here, but that's probably for the best. If nothing else, it's at least less embarrassing! 


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