Title: The Finer Points of Studying 2/3
Genre: fluff, romance
Rating: PG-13-ish eventually
Pairings: 2min, JongKey
Word Count: 2428
Summary: Taemin undergoes examination preparation with Minho.
Part One Part Three (
“Mm,” the younger boy sighed, eyes glazing over in pure, unadulterated bliss. “You're amazing.” )
and i love how minho's so stingy in this <3 looking forward to the next chapter!
I don't k now why, but Minho strikes me as being a stingy person. I can just picture him not wanting to spend his money on stupidly overpriced things like banana milk or candy. Cheapskate... >.
and minho WOULD be stingy in real life, but painstakingly part with his money if it meant his taeminnie would be happy ^__^
(and to taemin banana milk is not stupid, and the overpriced part doesn't affect him in any way haha)
Nothing overpriced affect Taemin. He has money so he spends it...and Minho just looks on with horrified fascination at the amount of useless things his dongsaeng buys. XD
like banana milk, and bubbles to blow and toys to amuse himself and new MP3 players and mobile phones to replace the ones he lost XD
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