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He's so serious about this. last5secondswin November 9 2009, 17:31:30 UTC
Did Godzilla attack?


D'aww. Togusa, on the other hand, thinks he's joking. honestcop November 9 2009, 18:12:08 UTC
Not recently.


He's talking to a guy who has played cards with Godzilla. last5secondswin November 9 2009, 18:14:30 UTC
When was the last time? You should have called for me if it was after we met.


Togusa still doesn't get it. >_> That's the 75th anniversary of the franchise. honestcop November 9 2009, 18:21:50 UTC
2029. Don't worry, I'll be sure to call you the next time Godzilla attacks.


Hahah, nice. Also, 29 is pronounced Kin Niku, what a coincidence. last5secondswin November 9 2009, 18:25:03 UTC
Really? What year are you in now again?
And don't worry, I won't let you down!


Oho. BTW, this post is prep for a canon move in which Togusa gets himself in danger. :> honestcop November 9 2009, 18:31:48 UTC

I'm sure you won't.


Oh, right, thanks for telling me! Friendship Power is so much fun. I can has details plz? last5secondswin November 9 2009, 18:35:52 UTC
Really? That's pretty far in the future from me. I'm in 1979. Do you have rocket cars?

...Hey, have you ever noticed how many people here are from around 2008-9? It's weird.


Sure. You're Malicious Insect on AIM, right? honestcop November 9 2009, 18:38:34 UTC
Experimental ones. They're not all that practical.

Yeah, I'd noticed. It's strange. It wasn't an eventful year at all in my world.


That's me! Just about to get dinner, but I'll be back soon. last5secondswin November 9 2009, 18:40:43 UTC
Really? My friend Terryman has one that works pretty well.

Yeah...But everyone here seems to have stuff going on then. I wonder if it's special?


You're reminding me to eat lunch. 6_9 I'll be on as 'time held me', but probably invisible. honestcop November 9 2009, 18:46:31 UTC
Different physics, probably. We use helicopters and tiltrotors for short-range flights.

I have no idea. No one's history even comes close to matching mine after about the 80s.


Don't poke me. :| last5secondswin November 9 2009, 19:17:23 UTC
Tiltrotor? That sounds pretty weird looking.

Really? Well, the 80s are about to start for me. What happens?


/poke poke poke poke poke poke honestcop November 9 2009, 19:34:17 UTC
They're just prop planes with engines that can rotate for vertical takeoff.

Well, in my world, the cybernetics revolution really takes off, especially in Japan, and tensions within the old United States begin to rise to the point where the country will split up into three parts, in the mid-90s. That's the groundwork for World War III, too.


RAWR last5secondswin November 9 2009, 19:40:40 UTC
Prop planes? Like for movies?

...Wow. I kinda hope none of that happens in my 80s. No offence.


8> honestcop November 9 2009, 19:56:00 UTC
No, short for "propeller," as opposed to jet engines.

The last few decades have been rough, it's true.


):| last5secondswin November 9 2009, 20:13:11 UTC
Oh! I get it now. But, doesn't that just make the helicopters again?

Do things get better?


Togusa periodically gets smacked in the face with how crappy his world is. honestcop November 9 2009, 20:21:14 UTC
It still has wings and shifts to normal flight after takeoff. It's more fuel-efficient and increases the range and cargo capacity.

Eventually, I guess. Things have been quiet since the Second Korean War ended about eight years ago.


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