Dec 11, 2006 19:19
I am not going to lie.
I am nervous about going to P.A.
I am definitely alot different than who i was, and none of them even know..not even Jeanette. It's kind of scary, i have always been scared of disappointment.
but i guess what i love about all of them is that they will always take me for who i am. and i love them for that.
So obviously, this year is almost over. and to sum up 2006 for me. Change.
thats really all i can say, always, consistant change. me and around me. But its okay. things change. people change...never thought i'd hear myself say that.
I dont think i've changed dramatically, at all. i just think i have more of an open mind on things, and i just am okay with more things. I am still good ol' jessica though, and that will NEVER change.
I think i will be okay with all of this. its really not that big of a deal..its happened before.i should have known it would happen again. there i go trusting people again...the one person i thought would never do that to me again.
it sucks, im not gonna lie. but w/e. you changed.
I find it funny that people in Orchestra have already heard stuff about the past couple of weekends, and are talking about it lol. some are proud...others disappointed and disgusted. Me? i dont care. i had fun. and i wouldn't trade any minute of it.
i guess i just dont want to waste minutes of my life regretting.
it all happens for a reason.