Never resting time, leads summer on...leads summer on

Mar 16, 2006 01:30

Life has been good. I must say. I saw Chiodos/AFS/and BNo/and Action REaction the other weds. with davey and teegan. amazing my ass was worth the money. ordered my Chiodos shir the other week...I want it now though. is swell..make good money work a lot..cant wait till the next raise...its going to be good moneyt he rest of my life while I'm in college still. Our band played at the parrot the other week with pinetree riot..god friends of ours...there its like breaking benjamin meets..senses fail...reallly weird..I"m not fond of the vocals...I think they could find someone better. but for the time being they are having fun so let them be I suppose. Ryan is improving very much on set...I'm very impressed. while all this shizzy is going on we have another show this weekend sat. at jigsaw and saloon bar. its in Parma. I might get sam and ashley to go...I might also take sarah with me..if I dont then...I might take someone else. Also I was thinkina bout starting a side project with some people...Mr nicholas...justin taylor...Mckintrick..and kennedy...I would like to try and sing. nick is on rhythm greg on drums taylor on guitar . Mckintrick on keys. this would be very interersting I must say. I jsut want to experiment for a little. I Get tired sometimes sitting behind the set all the time. so here it is. its just a jam session. Today was the BFF's b-day. she turned 16. I'm very happy hat she is at a semi-legal age now. so all the guys can hop on her if she would like. I love her to death. and nothing will change that..tom. I get to see her for a little..then hanging out with the girl I have affecionate feeligns for at the moment..whihc is Susie. she is from firelands...she basiclly reminds me of Alex from vermillion and lamecore liz from firealnds put together. she has a monroe amazing hair..very cute girl. I hope for things to continue the way they have been. so after we get done for a little...I have dinner plans with joy nicka nd melissa..the 24 year old girl I dated awhile back..shes back in town for a little. jsut to catch up on things and such. I also am getting the rest of my tattoos colored in at the beginning of april so then after that I can get the rest of my otehr arm started..I ahve the design drawn looks amazing..I love it. I'll show you when I Get it done. but I work tom. at 8 and goes to 4...kind of rough..but at least my night is off..which is pleasant I would say. I also have tried shrooms this past weekend..amazing feeling .prob hte best drug I've taken so far. DAvey is gettin gsome this weekend and trying it..I Was with eddie ricky katitus chad and was an amazing night..I must say. with some of my closest friends along with kidder and such. Summer is also coming..and I've been working out a lot jsut because its have to look good. so here we go. I'd say I"m getting there..but we'll see. I treat myself very healthy as properly..drink nothing but water....for some reason it is very good and catches my interest a lot. andddd....I'm still buying almost every piece of clothing ever made because I'm still addicted. but whats new. but I shoul prob head out I'll update later with more info I Suppose. see ya.
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