Jul 29, 2009 23:40
Dear people who I catch the bus with in the morning,
You know what I do. I stand up until all the Shenton kids are gone, then I sit down on the inner most seat of two UNTIL THERE AREN'T MANY OTHER SEATS LEFT, then I STAND UP FOR THE REST OF THE JOURNEY. YOU KNOW I DO THIS.
So don't come up to me when there's a fucktonne of other seats available and bitch at me because I'm blocking you from getting to the seat next to me. YOU DON'T NEED TO SIT THERE.
I sit on the inner most seat when there's other seats available and then I stand up because I'm one of the first people to get off the bus when we get to the city, and I don't want to be stuck behind your fat ass.
So shut up, thanks,