THIS will be good xD I'm doing Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun!! xD (My brother and I did a skit for History and were like "Woaah" :P y'all will see why :P
PERSON A Username / Name / Stamped as: John C.Calhoun
PERSON B Username / Name (/ Stamped as, if applicable):Andrew Jackson
What type of relationship do you have? President and Vice President
When/where did you meet for the first time? (irl or online) probably on the campaign trail
Who's the more dominant one? Jackson, but Calhoun doesn't ALWAYS give into him, when he does things Calhoun doesn't like.
Jackson though wants to kill Calhoun for his disobedience 0_o
How are you alike?passionate, strong welled
How are you different?
Jackson- fight happy, charismatic, one of his only regrets is that he didn't "hang Calhoun"
Calhoun- southern gentleman (he doesn't have punch outs xD)
How do you spend your time together? Calhoun tried to avoid Jackson---after his death threat.
K now we need to see a picture of you guys together (optional):
do you ever fight? ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Person A about Person B
What do you like about this person? same party :P
What do you dislike really like about them? He is trampling states' rights!
What's the best memory you have of this person? winning the election? lol :P
Pick a color that reminds you of them:
Anything else?
Person B about Person A
What do you like about this person? helped win southern support :P
dislike?; He NEVER follows my rules! and is dis-unifying the Union :P
What's the best memory you have of this person?
Pick a color that reminds you of them:
Anything else?
Finishing Up...
What relationship do you think you're absolutely NOT like? Quasi and Esmeralda
Please link 5 unstamped apps you have voted on: (If you're both members, both of you must have voted)