Apr 17, 2004 11:39


okay so we go to tt's at like 9ish and theres already like random older guys there and like a few girls just like drinking and theres not a lot of beer left so i don't drink. Everyone is just like talking and stuff and were trying to be really quiet because thomas has neighbors and its getting late. so then like i dunno 45 mins after we get there some of the older kids are leaving and call back and are like 'shit tom theres like a fucking cop van in your parking lot and like 2 cop cars in the street.' so for like 30 minutes we keep the lights off and were like watching the cops like have flashlights and looking for things outsidse in the parking lot because older kids were having ciggarettes there. and so in that time we manage to get rid of all the empties in like plastic bags and hide them all over the apartment so then like the only kids left are all pretty much sober. so we are all sitting there in the dark like watching baseball when all of a sudden we hear like these voices at the bottom of the stair just like 'Hello is the homeowner here' and THEY JUST WALK INSIDE without knocking or ne thing and like 4 cops are in this tiny space and like just like tt goes over and hes like 'u def can't be in here and can they they def can't be in here right guys,...and then he was like nvm fine come in here your not going to find anything anyway were just watching bask-i mean baseball' so the cops are being obnoxious as shit and just start like walking aroudn the aparmeant like 2 go around back and look in rooms and 2 just stand in the living room where theres like 12 of us just sitting there and they loook so gay because were all like 'why are you here' and they were like 'oh we heard complaints, kids were running from the house extc.' so they look all over and like seriously the cop has his flashlight on the plastic bag in the closet and tt's like dying and my heart was pounding and i woudln't even be able to get in trouble for ne thing. and then they find nothing and i guess they can't touch ne thing so then they all like leave and were just like WHAT THE FUCK they def can't come in here like that. And i don't know what wuold have happend if they found like 1 beer can it would have been hell. So the moral of my story is the police suck, and last night sucked but it was def one of the scariest nights ever.