
(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 19:50

I saw a documentary on Mail Order Brides and decided to do a little research. I saw this and was disgusted at how he stereotypes Asian women, even though he has lived and married and has kids to one. Being 1/2 Japanese, I am extremely pissed off if he thinks this is what he thinks all Asian women encompass.


Why I recommend Asian Women


I believe that if you seek an upstanding, gentle woman; one who shares your beliefs and who values tradition, home, family, and fidelity you have an excellent chance to find her at Heart of Asia. I am an American and have lived in Asia for 19 years. I finally found a woman I wanted to marry, a lovely Chinese lady from Hong Kong. I have lived happily with her the last 10 years. We have two handsome sons and a beautiful daughter.

Before I found my mate and settled down, I had ample opportunity to date and compare women from Asia versus from the West. I'm not bragging. It's just that I've been out here a long time and even if I had wanted to date western women, it would have been hard to find any. In my work, I had the chance to travel and to live in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, China and Malaysia. At one time or another I've dated women from all of these countries. The more exposure I had to women from Asia, the more I learned to understand and to appreciate them. On my return visits the to the States, I clearly noticed the differences between the Asian women I had enjoyed knowing compared to the women back home. These are my opinions based on my personal experience.

Women from Asia are charming. They are petite, soft, and gentle. It is such a pleasure to spend time with a woman who is charming and derives pleasure just from talking and listening to what you have to say.

Women from Asia are feminine. They are normally Petite and slender with delicate bone structure. They typically have smooth, silky, hairless skin.

Women from Asia are gentle. They don't bust your chops, when you are home a little late, or forget an anniversary. They let you know if they are unhappy with your behavior, but it is typically done in warm, friendly way so that arguments and hard feelings are generally avoided.

Women from Asia appreciate a gentleman. These women do not scold you, and call you a male chauvinist when you hold open a door for them. They appreciate politeness and thank you for it.

Women from Asia appreciate the way western men treat their women. Asian men have bad track records for the way they treat their women. They expect their women to serve them, to carry the heavy bags, to walk behind, to take orders from him, his son, and his mother. Western men, especially American men have very good reputations. We are world famous for treating women with respect and consideration. These traits are very appealing to any women who receives your letters.

Women from Asia value marriage. They do not believe in divorce. They marry for life. They believe in finding the right man and sticking by him, in good times and bad.

Women from Asia value family. Family is all important. Husband, children, parents, relatives come first. Husband and children never take second place to her career.

Women from Asia value tradition. If you have traditional values and like to do things the way they have been done before, your ways and beliefs are accepted and appreciated, not criticized.

Women from Asia value maturity. If you are older than your woman, that's not a problem, it's a plus. Asian women respect maturity. It signifies wisdom, stability, experience and gentleness.

The best way to form your opinion is through first-hand experience. Choose some of these ladies to write to. Make your contact, get to know them. Then, tell me your experiences and why you agree that these women are the most desirable partners a man could choose.

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