File under 'things I found funny for about five minutes':

Mar 02, 2008 23:28

Stuff White People Like.

I found a link on Best Week Ever. I read a couple of entries and thought it was somewhat funny. Then I realized, hey, this isn't about white people, it's about hipsters! or, at least, middle class white people who devote at least a moderate portion of their day to attempting to be cool. (But those are the same thing, right?)

Anyways, now it just pisses me off too much to read.

In other news, I bought an iPod Classic this week (yay) AND found out that the New Porns/Okkervil River show in Michigan I already bought tix for is mysteriously taking place on a totally different day than I thought it was and am now desperately trying to get rid of my tickets (boo). And honestly, my discovery today that the show was on a Thursday instead of a Sunday was one of the most mind-boggling realizations of a mistake I have ever made. Or realization of a mind-boggling mistake. Whichever.

All of which really is regrettable, though, since it would have been an amazing show.
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