If this is so, He knows the present and future. Then he also knows the present good and present evil as well as the future good and future evil. Then is it not possible that God would tolerate horrible things like starvation because he foresees that in the long run that more people will be better and happier than if he miraculously intervened?
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every time we cure something something new pops up because viruses are constantly evolving to be immune to our cures. so it mutates. hence never being able to find a cure for the "common" cold. no two colds are alike because the virus just keeps mutating. every once in a while it mutates into something horrible like the flu which turns into pneumonia which kills you. it's all highly scientific. and shouldn't that sentence read "It seems to me every time we come up with some cure or whatnot, god blesses us with a new, more difficult to eliminate disease."?
i actually formulated a theory not too long ago that retarded folks and nature trying to create a new species of human, and it's just not quite turning out right. all the different "categories" of retards are just like other homo species that haven't really panned out and just disappeared, they were just never documented back in caveman times cuz we didn't have the brains to do it. or to look at things on a world-wide scale. but what do i know
Are you a fan of George Carlin? I wouldnt call myself a fan, but i like listening to his ideas, not because i agree with them, but because he's pretty smart and it makes me think. One of the things he says is "Why isnt there enough suffering?"
He believes that man is doomed because we're all idiots and we deserve to die. And if we suffered more then maybe we'd be smarter and actually get off our arses and fix our lives and etc.
Me, its my opinion that we have the perfect amount of suffering in this world- not too much and not too little.
As for the virus' and such, i included this because i didnt think genetic engineering could wipe disease from our race. In the effort to 'perfectly evolve', i do not think we could ever get to a point where we would consider ourselves fully evolved.
"It seems to me every time we come up with some cure or whatnot, god blesses us with a new, more difficult to eliminate disease."?
I wouldn't say bless, but yes, i do think that people need suffering.
as for george carlin i think he's brilliant. his serious humor revolves around all the issues that i have problems with in christianity.
and my point with that sentence you quoted was that either way you look at it when we figure something out either 1) mother nature goes "fuck you, take this" or 2) god goes "well they sure have learned a lot about my most masterful work, the human body.. let's see what they can do with this" depending on your point of view. i choose to believe that we've done more than enough damage to the earth to make it pissed off and make it try to get rid of us than that there is this god who keeps testing us or whatever he's doing with all this crap that's coming out of nature.
The funny thing i find with George Carlin is that if i didnt believe in God i think i would believe the same things he does. It makes me wonder if he believed in God, how much like me might he have become.
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