Thanks to
quickquote for
reccing us. Also a big thanks to
dimedici and
tamashiinoakari for pimping us on their own ljs.
Harry Potter
Aging by whisperwords (
Rating: PG
Summary/Quote: There was one letter he'd kept under his mattress for many years, addressed and sealed but never sent.
I just found this one in
hp100. I have this thing about fics with letters. Unsent letters, letters expressing undying love, hate letters. They're just great. And writers who can break your heart in 100 words amaze me. Perfect.
The Sound of Wind Chimes by Sarah Stegall
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Rape, het
Summary: Mulder and Scully are abducted by aliens during a routine stakeout.
Quote: "In that topcoat you could have gained fifty pounds and no one would ever know," he said conversationally. "Besides, a steady diet of hamburgers is
not recommended by the FDA."
This is the only X-Files fic I have ever read. I first read it a few years ago and thought it was pretty good. As I'm reading it again, I see that my standards have risen dramatically. But still, it's an interesting plotline, though the author doesn't have the greatest skill.