Nov 06, 2011 15:43
[ so the camera is a little shaky. so sue him. what's clear though, this the fact that Goldenrod is clearly visible in the distance. there's still a good three hours left for Karkat ( and Eridan ) left to travel, but they're almost there. ]
The next time I want to go the long way around to do shit, someone stop be from being so goddamn ambitious. I don't think being stuck in a forest for that long was good for either of us. Fucking grubs... I'll be so content if I never have to see another Metapod or whatever those other nookslurping things are that constantly use that one move over and fucking over again until their defense can't go up anymore.
Not to mention, some particular fuckass I am traveling with only has fucking water pokebeasts! Fucking worthless sack of -
[ and he catches himself with a hiss. it's his irritation talking, really. ]
Only a little longer and then some, I don't know, touching pump felt reunion can happen or whatever it is that humans do. I thought about sending Josie ahead, but it seemed a little fucking pointless.
route 34,