I keep forgetting to post about this! Remember
The Terrible Mr Grimshaw? It was
linked on Penny Arcade way back in 2003 with the intro, "Apparently some people I know decided to record one of their co-workers during a session of Counterstrike and made a techno mix out of it...I don't think he was on the winning team."
I always thought that the person who posted the song was having a laugh at one of his coworkers, but according to
this 2007 comment on a 2003 blog post by Kurt Harland Larson (the guy who actually made the song), it was Mr. Grimshaw himself that had it posted everywhere!
I carefully (and, if I say so myself, artfully) placed the speech bits over some really crappy techno tracks that I laid down one day when I was testing out a new version of Acid. When I was done, I gave the song to only THREE PEOPLE in my company: Trevor [Grimshaw] and two of our friends. I did NOT distribute it out into the Internet. GUESS WHO DID?? Yup. Within 24 hours, Trevor managed to get the song listed everywhere, even Penny Arcade mentioned it!
Check out
Kurt's post for the entire awesome story. You might remember him as the lead singer for Information Society.