I was certain that I've said everything there is to be said about Valentine's Day in Japan. You know how it goes:
women give chocolates to the guys they like on Valentine's Day, and the guys
reciprocate with gifts one month later on "White Day" on March 14.
Women also give "obligation chocolate" (義理チョコ) to bosses and male coworkers to stroke their egos, "friend chocolate" (ともチョコ) to their female friends, and all women buy "my chocolate" (マイ・チョコ) for themselves.
Yes, I thought I'd heard it all, and I'm sure you have too, at least until I had the following conversation with
spatulagirl the other night:
Melanie: have you heard of Black Day?
Monica: what is black day?
Melanie: in south korea
women give choco on feb. 14
men on mar. 14
and, if you didn't get anything on V-Day or White Day...
then it's BLACK DAY on April 14th, and you go to a chinese restaurant and eat Black Noodles and mourn your single life