Jul 04, 2006 00:02
And what joy independence truly is, even though I can't say I've really ever relied on it. How strange it is to think that, so often, I lean on my relationships with other people, whether they be romantic or platonic, to determine or gague my happiness. While so many people may say that happiness lies within one's own sense of personal well-being and the ability to be comfortable, can one actually gain that sense without the approval of those they feel so close to and love so much?
I have no idea why such a rant has brought itself upon me. I guess just my glance at the calendar being met with the word "Independence," struck a chord with me.
Life is really great right now. Everything is heading in a positive direction. A week from tomorrow, I'm auditioning for a production of West Side Story with Sunnyvale Community Players, whom I've never worked with. It has been five full years since I've done a production of West Side, and I'm looking forward to doing it again, especially since now...I can actually act. And while I would KILL to play a Jet rather than a Shark...the dwindling number of ethnic-minority singer-actor-dancers in the greater San Jose area is almost a shoe-in for a Puerto Rican role.
Soooo, yeah, I'm pretty stoked about this. This will be the first time in about three years that I've been able to squeeze more than one production into a linear year. This is when I start getting really happy, because I'm doing what I love, and doing what truly makes me smile. It's good to be back.
Let's see...what else...well, Victor is still present in my life. After a month of frequent turbulence, our unsteady flight has reached a comfortable cruise. Everything is so...drama-free, light-hearted, and smitten. Our sickening romantic sentiments with one another have become more natural, and I feel that he's truly beginning to trust me, which is a pretty big deal. I had faith in this thing in the beginning, and I guess sticking it through has really paid off, 'cos I feel like I've hit the jackpot. DINGDINGDINGDINGDING!!!!