nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd

Aug 27, 2014 22:59

i don't really do these sorts of things, mostly because i never know what to say and i'm not all that interesting, to be frank. but my new friend souslelys tagged me for this and i'm actually awake past 9pm for once...

10 (fandom) Facts About Me
Just list 10 facts about fandom/ships/characters/kinks/headcanons whatever you like!

1. i’m obsessed with the little bump on jensen’s nose. obsessed.

2. no condoms. not ever. not in fic. no thank you.

3. pink jared, pink jared, pink jared.

4. for some reason, i’ve never been able to do age-flip fics (i.e. jensen being the younger of the two). more prominent age gaps, yes. age flipping, no. i can happily read along, but writing them this way proves impossible for me.

5. shy, quiet jensen is everything. skinny jared is everything.

6. mentally unbalanced boys are everything + the world. (j2 or sam/dean)

7. for me, a story where both parties die is still a happy ending. one alive without the other = unhappy ending. both alive but kept apart = unhappy ending.

8. A Very Supernatural Christmas was the episode that convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that they’d been fucking for years. and married to that thought, that episode also provoked my first wincest sex dream.

9. i’m embarrassingly OTP. to the core and to the max.

10. “In real life, I’m very gentle and a go-with-the-flow person. I don’t like adventure.” - jensen ackles, causing me to love him even more ♥

i tag whoever wants to play. would love to see the things floating around in your brains! hope everyone is well lately.

spn, ramblings, fic stuff

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