forgive me father, for i have sinned.

Dec 12, 2012 17:41

Of all the things I could be journaling about, this is what actually makes it into a post. Obnoxious.

Just that sometimes certain things might find you, even if you don't want them to. Desperately. And it might be that ugly type of thing that when it gets to you at just the right time, in just the right way, it'll make it so that you can't sleep properly without it worming its way into your dreams and traipsing merrily about like it owns the place. And when you're awake, even then it'll somehow manage to get its slithery, clutching fingers at your throat and violently force feed itself to you.

Basically: when you're experiencing shame over liking something so ooey, gooey, nacho-cheesy. Like a TV show. And you maybe hate it.

BUT THIS VIDEO. This video that you do not hate. That you opposite-of-hate, squared.

image Click to view

I just. I'm really into (foaming at the mouth over it) the idea of Derek being the imaginary friend of a mentally unbalanced, delusional Stiles. And then coming to life somehow and embarking on a grisly journey of psychopathic love, to be interwoven with shy grins, hand-holding and copious amounts of fornication. Clearly. Obviously. Always.

sterek, that show i don't watch, pretty shiny things

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