Torchwood slash, 'Give it up', Jack/Ianto, Rated: PG-13

Feb 18, 2008 15:40

Title: Give it up
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217 A.K.A. CosmicPudding
Pairing: Ianto/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's just a matter of time
Disclaimer: So not mine
Author's note: My first torchwood fanfic! This is set during 'To the last man' later on in the night after the kiss. Jack ends up taking Ianto home, when a certain song starts to play on the radio.

Title: Give it up
Pairing: Ianto/Jack
Rated: PG-13

"Need a ride?" The question still echoed in his mind as they began to approach the first stop light from the headquarters. Ianto's still not sure why he agreed to it. The kiss came out of nowhere, and he's still not sure why it happened. And this was after he told Jack that he wanted to take things slow. But it did, and the last thing he wanted was to be alone with Jack, especially in a confined space. Yet, there he was.

"You know" Jack started, breaking the somewhat awkward silence that had been there, with only the radio filling the void, "If memory serves me correct, I still haven't taken you out on that date that you agreed to."

"No, Sir, we haven't done that yet." That was mostly Ianto's doing. Jack made him nervous, and a bit unsure of himself. He could never think clearly, and with something like a date, he wanted to at least appear halfway normal.

"So, I was thinking, maybe after we finish tomorrow, we could go do something then? Sound good?"

"Uh.....I-I guess." Shit! He could barely speak again, it didn't help that the radio chose right then to play "Biology" by Girls Aloud. He still wasn't sure exactly what the song had been about, but it certainly had an intent to it that didn't really help him in this instance.

"Good then. Anything you want to do in particular?" Jack smiled again. Definitely something he didn’t need to see. It always made him blush and blushing made him fumble all over himself even more.

"No--not really" His throat was dry and he was starting to sweat. What the hell? He had gone out with men before, several, but why was Jack so different. He seemed to be able to do this to anyone he chose. He wondered briefly if this was how John Hart felt around him.

"Ianto, if you want to take things slower, then just say so. I can wait for you."

Slower? Ianto laughed to himself. If they were going any slower, they wouldn't be going at all. No, this was something he needed to do. He cleared his throat and replied.

"No, I want to. Really." It was just then he noticed they had stopped in front of his place, and he wondered how long they had been there. Then, it happened again. Before he realized what he was doing, he had reached over the seat and gave Jack another kiss that wasn’t exactly a light peck. God, what was wrong with him.

He wondered from time to time whether or not he should be so apprehensive, but it was the fact that he didn't really know anything about Jack that made him keep his distance. He wanted to be in a more open relationship with Jack, but that's a tall order to do when you hardly know anything about the other party.

They broke for air after what seemed like forever and Jack just sort of looked at him.Who could blame him though? Just what was it that Ianto wanted? Even he didn't know for sure. What he did know though, was that he wanted Jack not to give up on them.

"I’m sending mixed signals, I know." Ianto blushed a bit, grabbing the door handle. "Let's go somewhere nice, maybe for a sit down dinner?"

"Sure. If that's what you want."

"Yeah." He actually managed to get that out without stammering. "See you tomorrow."

"Bright and Early." Jack kissed Ianto's left hand as he opened the door to get out, glancing at him with intent in his eyes. It made Ianto blush. It also, for the slightest instance, made him want to invite Jack up.

"Right. Goodnight Sir." He hurried inside before anything else could happen. He still wasn’t sure what made Jack so appealing, nor did he know exactly what he wanted from this relationship, or why he wanted to invite him in after only a kiss. But he did know that if Jack kissed anything like he dated, it just a matter of time before he did.


I was listening to Biology on youtube and it made me think of Jack. The music itself sound exactly like something Jack would use while seducing, Y'know? Especially the opening with the hard piano. I’m not sure how well I did, since I’m new to Torchwood fanfiction, but I quite like it. how about you?

jack/ianto, series, fic, one shot, torchwood slash

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