VM slash (one shot ficlet): Being Richard, Logan/Dick, Rated: R

Feb 24, 2007 21:30

Title: Being Richard
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217
Pairing: Lick (Logan/Dick)
Rating: R
Summary: With Logan in one of his moods, it's up to Dick to make him feel better, or, more like, Richard.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just ‘slashing them
Author's note: The same verse as all of the other VM fics except for 'Come back to me'. Spoilers through 'Mars,Bars' Takes place the day after 'Take Care'. Ah, Logan and Dick, another classic pairing. He loves the dick, and I don’t just mean Casablancas’. There always seemed to be something more to them. Dick's the sexual pick-me-up that Logan uses when he's mourning, be it his mom, Veronica or Lamb, he was the one who got him back in step. Yes, he's kind of using Dick, but neither really minds that much. Dick doesn’t see it as more than just doing a favor for his friend.

Being Richard
Pairing: Logan/Dick (Veronica Mars)
Rated: R, to be safe

"Logan! Come on, open up." I knew he could hear my voice his locked bedroom door. By my guess, he'd fallen asleep last night randomly; that, or he just drank himself silly until he passed out.

"It's open, Richard."

'Richard'? that only meant one thing. No one ever called me Richard, not even my parents and teachers. Dick was who I was. But Richard was, well, a different side of me you could say. Richard was the man in the bedroom. More specifically, Logan's bedroom. We'd fooled around a bit in middle school, jacking each other off, dry humping, that sort of thing, but it wasn't until after his mom died that we started to do this regularly. Sometimes, I topped, sometimes he did. Or at least, 'Dick' did. Richard never would.

"All right, I’m coming." He was already naked when I walked in. food wrappers littered the top blanket on his bed, as did an empty bottle of Chardonnay. His face was tear-soaked, and it only took a moment figure out why. I was the only one he told about him & Lamb. Frankly, I found it a bit disturbing, but whenever I’d bring that up, he’d just get us naked and going at it. I never cared that much before, as long as he was happy. Besides, this was just sex, right? I was busy with...several others, and him, well, he was settling down with Lilly and then Veronica. But seeing him this upset over Lamb was a surprise.

"Just...please" His voice was scratchy and crackled, even after he cleared his throat. He was breathing heavy. Oh yeah, this was definitely a 'Richard' moment: 'Dick' moments involved an overly-confident Logan who came to me last when he wanted to get his rocks off. He was calm, collected, not even asking to come in or saying much, just barging in, taking what he wanted and leaving right after. 'Richard' moments were during Logan's times of weakness where he needed someone-something-real to hold onto for the night. Richard was kind, sweet, caring in seduction allowing everything to happen in a relaxed way, while he cooed over Logan and kissed his face.

Being Dick was fun enough, but being Richard meant more. He wasn't afraid to cry or open up emotionally to Richard, trusted him completely, while Dick was just some fuck up. When he really needed to be loved, it was Richard, not Dick, that he turned to. Being Richard was wonderful.

Switching into 'Richard' mode (partly by taking off all pooka shell things I had on), I shushed him and kissed his face. Stripping the both of us, him first, I watched as he sighed in relief and arousal when I rubbed our erections together. He had always liked that. I didn’t wait much longer to get going after that. Grabbing one of the self lubricating condoms, I placed the middle and index fingers on my left hand at his lips and pushed inside. He had always liked that too. After he sucked, nipped and licked briefly at them, I pulled them out and stuck them at his entrance, fingering him once, twice, three times before replacing them with my cock.

"Ahh. Richard" he barely whispered. This was how it went. Excluding panting, moans and whispers of each others names, we were mostly silent, just letting the moment stand on its own. Today was no different. His eyes were closed and his face was switching expressions erratically from pleasure to strained moaning. This was the best part of being Richard, this moment: he wanted to go faster, squirming under me as I held his legs at my sides, begging 'please, please, Richard please!!!' Was this really Logan Echolls? The same man who was mostly dead to the world? No. This was Richard's Logan: clingy, vulnerable, sensitive; someone who needed love and wasn't afraid to ask for it.

We moved together at a quickened pace, knowing neither of us would last long. A few moments later we came all over us and I kissed his neck as I came inside him. Neither of us moved for a few moments and just caught our breath. Before I collapsed on top on him, I pulled out and ventured to the bathroom to take off the condom and get a warm wash cloth to clean the both of us off. He was sitting up and under the covers when I got back and his trademark smirk was back. Yep, Richard had fulfilled his purpose. I wiped him off and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm and pull me to him.

"Hey, come here." He was smiling big. Really big. But not menacing, just...happy. it was a little unsettling.


"I was wondering if we could keep Richard around just a bit longer" he said this, while tracing circles up from my inner right thigh to my belly button.

"I guess" I said shrugging it off. That was even weirder. Usually, I’d be 'Dick' again, and we'd get dressed and act like we didn't just have sex, which was fine really. It was how things were done. "For how long?"

"Oh, just until I get tired of him, if that's ok" Logan was giving me the bedroom eyes again. Sighing just a bit, I reached for another condom, when he stopped me and pulled me close again.

"Just....just hold me, dammit. Ok?" thank goodness. This 'sweet' Logan was starting to creep me out. Logan Echolls was a lot of things, but sweet wasn't one of them. "Look, I'm only going to say this once, so don't make me regret it." He looked up at me and I nodded for him to continue. "Richard is just....he's nice to have around. I'm not saying I'm completely in love with him or something, but It's getting there." He stopped to huff and finished "So, just, keep him around, ok? You can be both at once, I've seen you do it. So, keep him around. For me?"

I laughed softly to myself and pulled him back, seeing that he took it the wrong way "Wait! wait...as long as you want the both of us here, we're here to stay."

"Whatever." He tried to sound mad, but I could tell he was happy about my decision. "Get dressed. I'm going to kick your ass in Grand Turismo in a minute, and I doubt I'll be able to with you all naked like that."

"That was the idea." He smirked and kissed me again, before setting up the game. Now, I know what you're thinking: Starting a relationship with the emotionally crippled and unavailable Logan Echolls isn't exactly the smartest idea, but 'Richard' Is in love. And Dick? Well, he's not exactly known for making smart decisions. Besides, with everything else we've been through, I have a feeling that things will be just fine.


That was fun. I like the two of them as a couple and this just sort of came out. if Logan were to have sex with another guy, It would either be Duncan, Dick or Weevil. And with Weevil in a psuedo-relationship with Beaver and Duncan in Australia, Dick was the natural choice. I like their relationship this season. Dick's still Dick, but he's learning and trying to be better. At least, I think he is.

Anyway, that's all for the moment!

Bye Bye boo!

ficlet, fic, one shot, vm slash, logan/dick

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