Mr. Telephone man (third date), Real Person Slash: Aaron Carter/Jesse McCartney, Rated: NC-17

Feb 15, 2007 14:25

Title: Mr. telephone man (third date)
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217
Pairing: Real person slash: Aaron Carter/Jesse McCartney
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU-Jesse dials up Aaron for a little fun at their expenses
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me, because if they did, they would be together
Author's note: I mentioned this while talking with blueboxers, about doing a fic where both characters were whacking off at the same time, but as I thought about it, the only way it would work is if they were on the phone with each other. And because they’d obviously need their hands free, let it be noted that they are using headsets (the ones that go over one of your ears) while they talk. There’s probably going to really bad, cheesy phone sex talk, since this is phone sex, so expext several moans as well as seeing 'baby', 'oh' and 'god' several times. Enjoy!

Mr. telephone man
Real Person Slash: Aaron Carter/Jesse McCartney
Rated: NC-17

It was the night after our second date when the phone calls really began to pick up. Jesse, who was getting antsy, was mildly terrified at the change in Aaron's behavior towards him. Not a single grope the whole night, and he barely even kissed him or held his hand. They talked a lot more and he was being a gentleman and everything. Frankly, it was freaking him out. Aaron didn't act this way! He was crass, big headed and obnoxious most of the time, which was fine with him, but with the sudden change, you'd think he'd be over the moon excited. Instead, he was just confused and a little pissed. He was getting special treatment! Just great. Either way, He knew he had to get his overtly sexual, would-be lover back, and knew just the way.

"Hello?" a confused Aaron was stepping out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He'd started to talk to Jesse a lot more than anticipated, but then again, so was having a relationship. He was having a hard time keeping his hands off of Jesse and not, say, taking him to the nearest alley and fucking him silly. It was definitely a struggle, one not made any easier by how Jesse seemed to be all over him, wanting more passionate kisses and grabbing his ass, all the sort of things he liked. But he was determined not to ruin yet another relationship with having sex too soon.

"Hey there" By now, Jesse had completely undressed in excitement. He knew his plan would work. He put on his headset before continuing. "What you up to?"

"Nothing really." he was towel drying his hair for a bit before slipping his head piece on. They had both gotten them on their second date. Since they happened to have the same phone, Jesse figured it would be cute to both get headsets. Or something like that. He had gotten a weird twinkle in his eye when he saw them, and both each of them one on the spot. "I just finished a shower, so I was drying off and-"

"Perfect. Lock your door, put on your headset, drop the towel and lay on your back on your bed" In truth, he knew that Aaron would be getting out of the shower around that time. He was a creature of habit, and since they were talking his whole way home, he knew that either he or Aaron would call as he was drying off. It was time. Quickly, he went to his side table drawer and got out the lube and the dildo he bought sometime ago, even before he met Aaron, as an 18th birthday gift to himself. He hardly ever used, or needed it, but it was definitely an important prop tonight. "You still there?"

"Yeah, I’m still here" What in the hell was Jesse planning?, he thought locking his door and going over to his bed. Something was definitely up, but he figured why not go along for the ride? "What's up?"

"I figured with both of us being too busy to go out this week for valentines day, that we could do something special."


"Like phone sex"

Aaron was a bit stunned. Phone sex? He’s done it before, but still, weren’t they supposed to take things slow? Not that he minded, but it was still a bit of a surprise. He thought for a brief second then took a stab in the dark "So, these headsets…were they just for-"

"Yes. I’ve been DYING over here. Let's get started."

"you know," Aaron started "I could just come over and we could have real sex."

"not yet, but soon, I promise." 'Real soon' he mentally added. They already had been on two dates, and figured this counted as the third so sex was really just a few more days away. He should have been able to hold off till then, but he couldn’t help himself. "You'll like this if you try. Get out your lube and make yourself hard. Talk to me. Tell me what you like about me, appearance-wise"

"Sure. Ok." He had already gotten half hard just talking to him, so Aaron didn’t really much. "I like" he started, taking in a shallow breath as he applied the lube to his shaft "your eyes. And uh-your face. I wanna-ugh- jizz all over it." He had to admit, it was pretty nice, pretty nice indeed.

It seemed to be pretty nice for Jesse as well as he was also now 'standing at attention' and was aching with need. He rubbed his palm together a liberally applied the lube to his shaft, the dildo and the beginning of his entrance. "Yeah?" his voice was frantic and breathy "What else do you- ahh- like about me-e?"

"That tight little ass of yours. Oh man, Jess- I swear that you're going to get the pounding of your life when we finally get to-oh! Yes, yes!!!" When had he started to go faster? Perhaps it was because he could picture it all. When he came over too early on their last date and Jesse had been changing his clothes, he caught a glimpse of Jesse's bareback; the small-yet-defined body was definitely one of the best he's seen. "And you're mouth, J-eeee-sus…. I want to fuck you face."

"I want you to as well. My mouth's already watering in anticipation." And it really was. He'd never seen Aaron's package un-clothed, but with everything he's heard about it, he definitely would be satisfied. "You know," by then his hole was completely lubed up and he was starting to stick the dildo in "I’m not sure if I ever told you this, but -mmm!- I don't -ah!- have a gag reflex" his arm reaching down was frantic, as his body pushed back down on the intruding for with great gusto.

"Oh, god! Nope- you never mention that before. I would've remembered it" he voice was starting to get a bit hoarse as he mouth was a lot drier suddenly. No gag reflex, huh? He started to pre-cum at the thought of how to utilize it. He could tell that neither was going to last long, as he heard the faint squeaking and boisterous moaning on the line then, while he was going to start spurting like a fountain soon enough. "I definitely can’t wait to -umf- try that out extensively, right before I plow your field. Give you a nice protein shot."

"Aaron! -Ugh, ahh- I'm close." He voice seemed to want to give out on him, but his hands were moving faster and faster, as was his body to meet them in time. "Oh GOD!" With that, his body died a little death, him spurting uncontrollably all over his upper body. He was sure that at least some of it got in his hair, as he felt a nice size shot hit between his forehead and eyebrows, and possibly in his mouth when he was panting.

Aaron was right after him, leaking all down the side of his right leg.

Both were drenched in sweat by then, Jesse could tell. He sat up after catching his breath and went over to his bathroom, getting some wet naps and a washcloth to clean himself off.

"you were right. That was…very nice indeed." Aaron didn’t bother to get up after collapsing, just grabbing his towel to clean up the mess before yawning. He glanced over to the clock and saw that they had been at it for at least a half an hour.

"Of course I was right." He laughed a bit, pulling on some boxer briefs from his dresser before plopping back down in the nice warm spot in his bed I was thinking, I should rent some movies tomorrow night and you could come over. Is it a date?" Oh yes, tomorrow definitely was the right. It had to be.

"Definitely" Aaron's voice was husky with sleep. He was going to zone out soon before falling asleep. "Should I bring anything?"

"Don’t worry about anything but getting here, say 7:00~ish?" He’d already taken care of all the little details like condoms, mood music, nice food. The 'movies' in question were just going to be clips from various pornos. He was planning on making his move right after Aaron realized this. They would lay out on the living room carpet, and he would allow himself to be taken. His body gave off a chill of excitement.

"7:00's good."He could already tell by the tone of his boyfriend's voice that he was up to something, but that excited him more than anything else, "In fact, I could be there earlier if you wanted, say around 6:30?"

"That's even better. Talk later?" He needed to get some sleep tomorrow, and just thinking about what he had planned and hearing Aaron’s voice was making him all hot again. No, he was going to save it for tomorrow.

"You got it. Goodnight, babe"

"Goodnight Aaron."

Both hung up at the same time, a happy and somewhat horny thought drifting in their heads as they did.


Umm…yeah, please excuse any grammatical error or spelling issues at the moment. Damn. I could hardly write that without stopping to join (which I might have considered, had I not wrote the whole thing from scratch in the college library). Umm…yeah. There's really nothing else to say here. ext for them will be said fourth date, but that won’t be until at least Tuesday, since I have several papers for school to write ^^

That’s all for the moment!

Till later,

Bye Bye Boo!

series, ficlet, fic, one shot, real person slash, aaron/jesse

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