Grey's Anatomy Slash, 'Overnight' , Derek/Alex , Rated R

Oct 24, 2010 19:21

Title: Overnight
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217 A.K.A. CosmicPudding
Pairing: Alex/Derek
Rating: R
Summary: AU. When Derek moves to Seattle and chances a night at the local gay bar, he gets into more than he bargained for.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. anymore. damn that Repo man!
Author's note: Set in a complete series AU. Derek’s not a doctor, or at least not a human doctor. I’m still nailing down a career for him TBQH, but if he is a doctor, then it would be a vet. Alex isn’t a doctor as well, but does have other aspirations.

I haven't been a regular viewer of GA since around the writers strike, or shortly after, but have still kept the fandom in my heart, if only for fic purposes. So if things are a little off, that's why.

Title: Overnight
Pairing: Alex/Derek
Rated: R

"It’s Alex, by the way."

Derek looked up from his jack and coke to gaze at the source of the voice he just heard. A handsome man, slightly younger than he, starred back at him; the tight jeans and muscle tee leaving little to the imagination. His hair was either dark brown or black, (it was too hard to tell in the club’s lighting), as well as a gorgeous face and sculpted jaw that currently showcased a wide smirk. He had to give it to the guy: he was hot. But he’d be damned if he let himself feed that ego any more. It certainly seemed healthy enough. No, instead of outright acknowledgment, he threw out:

"I’m sorry?"

"I said, my name’s Alex. I figured you should know that."

"Oh. And why is that?"

"Well, I figured this would go one of two ways: I'd either pull you into the bathrooms and one of us bends the other over the sink in the handicap stall, and believe me: I don't much care who."

"Uh huh. Or?"

"Or..." and it’s then when the leer really sets into Alex's eyes and he speaks a little lower, "I start making out with you here and lead you to the alley where I suck you off. Either way, I figured you'd need to know my name, so you can call it out while we're getting off."

"Oh." Derek choked out. He wasn't sure what to make of Alex: but he was definitely amused, if not also a bit turned on. They just stared at each other for a moment. It wasn’t awkward but instead grew in intensity. Finally, Derek broke the tension: "Are all Seattle men this forward?"

"I wouldn’t know. I’m from Iowa" Alex picked up his glass of whatever brightly colored alcohol he’d been drinking, and gulped the rest of it down at once, making sure to showcase his neck as he did so. "Only been here for a few months, working here only since last week."

"And what brings an Iowa boy to Seattle?"

"What's with the 20 questions? Are we gonna get off, or not?"

"Just trying to get to know the man I'll be bending over the bathroom sink in a few minutes. My name's Derek, by the way."


The lighting in the bathroom was decidedly better, and he could see the shortly cropped hair was a nice shade of brown. The mirror allowed him to also see the small presence of facial hair around Alex's mouth, as he tore the foil of the self-lubricating condom and slid it on. He's still surprised, and thankful, that he thought to take it. Derek hadn’t gone out that night to pick someone up, but he’d learned much earlier in life to never go out to a club, a gay club no less, without one.

Derek was also still amazed the whole thing was happening in the first place. He'd only gone to this bar because it was on a well lit street and within walking distance of his apartment. In fact, he probably could’ve even convinced Alex to walk with him the five minutes it took to reach his modest, but well done apartment with a king size bed and one thousand thread counted sheets. Still, as he slid into Alex's tight cavern and slowly rocked in and out, he was happy that they hadn't waited that long. Alex felt so hot and so right on him, and was determined to make him...


All Derek could do was bite his lip and continue his pace. Who was calling out whose name now?

"Patience" was all he whispered in Alex's ear. He continued on for a few more strokes before slowly increasing until the fixture of the sink started to rattle, and he heard Alex babbling frantically.

"No, no: it's pronounced 'Derek', Baby...."

He cackled softly as he saw the bewildered look on Alex's face, but when Derek heard the barely whispered ". . . .close", He slowed down again and started to jack Alex off.

True to his word, he came after only 2 tugs, hard and fast as it decorated the wall, before slumping against the sink and letting his breath come his heaves. Derek was spent as well, having filled the condom when Alex had clamped down on him during climax.

Derek pulled out and disposed of the condom in the trash can inside the stall, before walking back over to Alex and sucking at the small of his back only an inch above his entrance. Alex, who had started to pull his pants back up, let them fall to the floor as Derek finished, concluding his suck by spinning him around and nipping his neck.

"Well then." is all Alex said before pulling Derek closer to him and collapsing against the stall door.

"I think that's more than enough for now." Alex had put a good arms length between them before Derek had actually came back down to earth. Did all of this just happen? Did he really just have hot, amazing sex in the bathroom of the gay bar no more than five minutes from his house with a stranger? An incredibly good looking stranger, whom he'd become decidedly taken with, but a stranger none the less. "I didn't sign up for romance, just a little fun."

"Who says you can't have both?" He was staring into Alex's eyes then, keeping him from pulling away like he so desperately wanted to. "What do you really do for a living?" He finally asked.

"I..... I" And suddenly, the bravado was gone, leaving only the emotions to play across Alex's face.

"Look. You don't want this, believe me. I'm just some kid from Iowa who escaped his abusive, alcoholic father a few years ago, a drifter. I have emotional issues, am in debt, and am barely scrapping by as it is. You don't need any of that.'re a nice guy, who should get home soon, because you probably have work tomorrow. Just, get home and live a happy, easier life that I will."


"No? What do you mean 'no'? Just get outta here, ok?" Alex had pulled up his pants and was buckling his belt by then, the tank top falling back into place.

"No. You're coming with me now, and we're getting breakfast." He'd grabbed Alex's arm, and while he was still a bit hesitant, he still kept up with Derek and didn't put up much of a fight as they left the club and pulled on their coats.

"Isn't it 1am?" Alex finally said as Derek gestured for a cab.

"There’s a Denny's on 4th that I’m sure is open."

"I’m broke." By this point, most of the fight had left Alex but he still wasn’t sure about any of this.

"Which is why I will be paying for you, of course. What kind've date would it be if I didn't?"

"This is ridiculous. You barely know me, yet you're going to get me breakfast?"

"Hell, we already fucked. What's breakfast?" Derek finally got a cab to stop on their street, and was opening the door for him. "Come on, what do you have to lose? I won't bite. Unless, of course, you want me to." And then he smiled. Damn him.

Despite himself, Alex stepped inside. And as the car rode down the street on the way to his latest meal, Derek knew that this little tryst wouldn't be ending anytime soon, much less at the conclusion of breakfast.

He couldn't wait.


LAWL! random fic & pairing is random XDD But when I was browsing the tags of ga_fanfic recently, I noticed the distinct lack of Alex/Derek and decided to remedy it. This came to me around a week or so ago in the middle of the night and I’ve decided to expand it a bit.

Tell me what you think! (Personally, I love it. But I do have a bit of a bias, don't I? ^.~) If people like it, maybe I'll write another. Call me sappy, but there's something really special about this pairing to me and it seriously needs more love.

Also, I think I've finally nailed Alex's voice and I want to strike while the iron is hot!

grey's slash, alex/derek

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